You Will Love It I Promise

A long while later the two exited the bedroom together. Jaxson held his lovely mate's slim waist, they were getting closer and more at ease with each other now and he couldn't be happier. He kissed her neck as they made their way to the stairs. He loved that her scent was mixed with his and the babies.

Paige had been bold in the bedroom but suddenly felt embarrassed again. She went to the kitchen quickly and opened the fridge to distance herself from Jaxson so she could calm her heart. It felt like her heart would fly out of her chest at any moment.

Jaxson made a pot of coffee and poured Paige some orange juice. Caffeine was also something Paige now had to limit. They had looked up helpful do's and don'ts on the app Paige had last night and that was one thing they found out. He felt bad that she had to give up so much and he didn't have to, so he thought of giving up coffee as well.