Where Are You

Paige stood in Jaxson's embrace stunned by his words of confession. To hear these words from the man she loved she was so overwhelmed.

She knew her love for him. Although there was a small part of her that was afraid of his inner beast she knew she was irrevocably and unconditionally in love with Jaxson.

Paige stood on her tiptoes and kissed Jaxson lips. Time seemed to stop when his lips met hers, Paige's heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker she could only focus on his soft lips and a strong embrace, he was addictive. She felt it was all a dream, but she felt the raw emotion as his hands tangled through her hair.

Jaxson kept his eyes half-open as he guiltily sneaked a peek every time Paige came up for air, she was beautiful, she was his life, his love, his mate.

They broke apart at the sound of cheering and wolf whistles. Paige dove into Jaxson's arms embarrassed.