One Day At A Time

When Paige woke up she noticed the sun was high in the sky, she rolled away from the bright sunlight and covered her eyes. She saw an empty bed beside her and felt the cold bed sheet. She had obviously been sleeping alone for a long time. Feeling guilty at the thought of sleeping while everyone else was up and about she sat up, covering herself. She was lying naked but had noticed she was not sticky with sweat. Thinking of Jaxson wiping her down, she blushed and buried her head into the soft duvet.

She stood and felt her wobbly legs and remembered what they had done early in the morning a small smile graced her lips. They were back to normal know and she felt so much more at ease in their relationship. She knew Jaxson had taken it easy on her. Before she was pregnant he would have bullied her all night long. She walked on her slightly wobbly legs to the bathroom taking her clothes for today with her.