Don't consider my kindness a weakness my beast is sleeping not dead

Paige felt her body weightless as she slid on the step and fell forward. She let go of the bedding and instantly protected her baby in her stomach by hugging herself as she fell forward. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact, hoping that her baby would be ok. She cursed at herself for being careless.

She felt her body hit a hard warm body and her arms held her in a protective cocoon as they both tumbled down the stairs together. Their fall to the bottom of the stairs seemed to last forever as she prayed for her baby's safety.

At the bottom of the stairs, cupcake ran to Dean and Paige. Tears streamed down his little chubby face. Dean had Paige wrapped in his arms and cupcake petted her head soothingly.

"Pretty sister. I'm scared... are you ok?"