Diane paced the floors of her rental house, she bit her fingernails and ran her hands through her hair in fear and trepidation. What had happened, did that bitch fall and was she successful in getting her to lose the baby she had wondered. 

Buzz Buzz Buzz

She jumped at the sound of her phone vibrating, she looked for her phone under the cushions and clothes that she had thrown about the room. The room still a mess from the last time she had failed the rage had made her turn her small rental house into what looked like junk, the house was a mess.

"Found it."

She answered the unknown caller hoping that it was the maid she had sent money too and had given instructions to carry out.

"You failed again, not unsurprising really with your IQ but as you are no longer any use I will terminate our agreement." 

The voice carried a hint of aggression and warning.