
As long as she saw cute, interesting things, she wanted to buy them for her cupcake. All the things in this mall were by famous brands and were generally very expensive. It was the same for children's clothes. So she was glad she brought Jaxson along, otherwise, she would have felt out of place.

Cupcake and Jaxson could only stand around and wait while she chose the clothing. Jaxson became her assistant and held all the clothing.

She spotted some band t-shirts and plaid shirts. Seeing them she got excited and jumped up.

"Shall we get you matching t-shirts and shirts just like mine? We can wear them together?"

She asked cupcakes permission first. He smiled widely and nodded his head in excitement. He of course wanted to dress the same as his pretty sister as he had seen many other kids wearing the same as their mum or dad. Now he could be just like them.

"Matching parent clothes."

Cupcake mumbled and Paige hadn't heard him but Jaxson did.