
Dean drove not knowing where they were going he just wanted to get his friend and cupcake out of there as quickly and as safely as possible. He had remembered the doctor had said it was not good for Paige to be stressed or upset as it will affect the baby. He checked on them in the rearview mirror a couple of times and watched as she comforted cupcake.

Paige rubbed cupcakes chubby tear stained cheeks. Her heart broke to see him like this. She pulled him close for a hug that both soothed her and cupcake, after a while cupcake stopped shaking.

Cupcake leaned back after the soothing hug and stares up at Piage. His red, puffy eyes stared up at her before he smiled a heartbreaking smile. Paige thought he was doing it to reassure her but then he sniffled and explained, "It worked I protected you, mum."

He looked up at her and gave her a blinding smile. He looked so proud and happy, she then fixed his fluffy hair and asked, "What do you mean?"