Not Going As Planned...

As quickly as he had thrown her on the bed and crawled on top of her, he also released her with the same swift energy. Once his body was off of hers she felt instant relief and she left out a sigh as she closed her eyes.

It was as if her prayers had been answered. But as she fluttered her eyes open she saw his distaste of her behaviour.

She had to placate him again or she may end up in more trouble than she was already in.

"Thank you, Mark, I would really like to get a shower. You are right I need to wash off all others' scent from me, to cleanse myself for you." As she saw his smile return she knew that she dodged a bullet.

Mark held her wrists and lifted her up from the bed, she was now sitting up and directly in front of him. He was so unpredictable she didn't know what version of Mark she was getting.

He could be possessive and angry then sweet in his own sick way the next. She could never let her guard down around him.