
Keeping up with Mark was not easy, his stride was long and fast, it was clear to Paige that this was his inner wolf that had taken over. After all, a wolf would only want his mate. She could only hope that his mate would hurry up and find him otherwise this would be never ending.

Little did she know that Mark had not only found his mate, but he had also rejected her and she was now in a cell not too far away being injected with wolfsbane every twelve hours to keep her under control, leaving her body slightly weak.

They got to a door and he unlocked it and stepped back. Paige bit her lip eager to see cupcake but also afraid of how she might find him, she quickly entered she saw a little figure cowered in the corner of the room. Knowing it was her little cupcake she rushed towards him and captured him in a warm embrace.

Little cupcake snapped his head up when he smelt Paige's familiar sweet fragrance and called out to her, "Mumma!" Waiting for her to reach him.