The notes

I got up early as always along with Celeste, as they would put the notes on the hall 1 panel early today.

On the way we met the boys and went to see.

When we arrived there weren't many students watching, but I saw Manuel stuck there.

-brother!! Hi

He turned around and approached me.

-Guess who approved !! This boy- Manuel

-congratulations mucus, you have come out the same as me

Now we came closer and saw the notes. We had all approved. Obvious with a good grade, it does not go below 20.

-We did it, we did it yeah! We passed all the courses, we did it, we did it yeah !! - Zack said singing like Dora the explorer

We all started laughing.

-Hey Dora I like your mushroom cut- Logan

-oww thanks friends, do you know where the exit is? - Zack

-hahahaha enough already- Celeste

-hey fox do not take it !! - Zack

And so we were walking through the halls with our new friend Dora the explorer.

When we went to the dining room the director spoke.

-Students, I suppose they have already seen their grades, well from now on they are on vacation, except for the pulled, then the approved ones from 5th grade of secondary school, will be graduated on the boarding school field and the next day will be the promotion party, which have a good day- director


Tomorrow was going to be graduation, I already had my cap and gown ready. I was so excited.

Mom called to say she's going to graduation. Just like Celeste's parents who became close friends with mine, just like Logan's mother.

As for Jane, they will put her in boarding school the other year, along with Manuel. He was very happy about it.

I finished listening to Vessel and went to sleep.