Path of the Cambion: Kurou's Rising, Chapter 7

The Next Day…

Kurou's POV

It was morning, sunlight shining brilliantly through the windows, however, I wasn't in the mood to get up, especially after what that girl, I think her name was Saniki… had done to me yesterday. I felt like I had a damn endless cramp in my back while sitting on my knees in her little prison yesterday, all while I was asleep. It's not a good feeling to have when you wake up, so you could imagine how much bliss it was for me to stay in my bed.

However, apart from that, there was some serious things I was thinking about, like who the hell was that voice in my dream. I never heard it before… and yet… I felt so familiarized with it already, as if I always had it, and how in the heck was I able to steal souls, or even turn them into weapons? All of that information in my head had confused me to no end, endless even… "Still rummaging in your thoughts, cambion?" asked a voice in my head, I frowned, that voice was Xhanaru.

I should've expected to hear him sooner or later, even despite the fact that he never spoke from the first time I saw him, right now however, I wasn't feeling up to barking back at him. I sighed "I'm just confused… this sudden boost of power I gained.. Harvesting souls… my demonic power…" I explained, soon trailing off before I began ranting, I heard Xhanaru let out a sigh. I was literally able to see him leaning against the wall of my inner spirit, the wall made of the same material as the ground I had fought on yesterday "I suppose I can somewhat sympathize, I only just evolved to B-rank a day ago and gained an immense boost of power… seeing as you experienced something similar…" spoke Xhanaru.

However, I decided to cut in before he said anymore "Alright hold on, you're talking about this demonic energy I never knew I had suddenly awakening, how do you even know that in the first place!?" I demanded as I instantly sat up, I felt Xhanaru's anger rise a little, but he sighed. Xhanaru decided to explain "When you stole I, Rados, and Kagrasia, somehow, we were not linked to just your power, but your memories as well." He explained.

My eyes widened a little bit at that new piece of information, so basically, Xhanaru had just told me that they know all of the events of my life before, finally leading up to now which sounded a little troubling. My eyes narrowed with anger "What did you do?" I questioned sternly, ready to head back in my own spirit plane to kick his ass myself if he gave any suspicious answers. My eyes once again widened when I heard his answer "Well… I cannot deny that finding this out did lead us to attempt to gain some kind of leverage against you, however, doing so had given us the strange feeling of our souls feeling as if they were being ripped apart, so we could not… much as I hate to admit." he admitted.

Despite the fact that he and the other demon souls did indeed try to control me somehow, I decided to let it slide considering the fact that they were unsuccessful. It's not like I couldn't understand their reason for doing it, I would do the same in their position. Suddenly, I watched as the knob on the handle of my door began to turn and slide open, I watched as what looked like a cart with all types of food atop it had come in followed by a girl very similar in appearance to Saniki walking inside as well.

She had hair that seemed to be a deeper shade of red than Saniki's scarlet red hair, yet her eyes seemed to be a lighter shade than hers, she was also taller than Saniki by quite a few feet. Unlike Saniki's constant glowering look,(Kurou's one to talk considering he ALWAYS has a glowering look lol) she had a caring, sweet smile on her face, also the fact that she was wearing a maid outfit made her look even more opposite to Saniki.

Normally, if she was a bitch just like Saniki, I wouldn't be treating her any differently than her, however, she gave off a different, nicer aura than Saniki. When she was finally face to face with me with the cart by the bed, she gave a smile at me "Good morning, Kurosawa, it appears you have already been awake, I had already prepared food for you in the meantime." she said even in a kind tone of voice that would make men bow down in praise.

I felt my cheeks suddenly begin to warm up as a blush appeared on my face… there were never really much girls around Kumara village besides my own mother and a few others. The only time I had seen quite a few was when coming here to Kagura village with her, where we would train. Thankfully, my mother had taught me proper etiquette around them, so I wasn't nervous by a terrible amount more than most, or considered some kind of thug, like most would.

I looked at the food, which definitely was looking very good considering I hadn't eaten for days, I nodded at her "Thank you… may I ask who you are?" I asked while trying to suppress my blush. If there was one thing I didn't like, it was looking like a pansy around females, Saniki being a prime example of why I hated it. The girl had a slightly caught off guard expression and she began to blush a little, fiddling with her hair wrapped around her finger "Oh pardon me… I came in so prepared that I forgot that?" she said in an embarrassed voice.

I had to admit she looked cute blushing like that, however, I smashed that back into the corner of my mind as she suddenly gave a small curtsey "My name is Saika Karasaki, it's an honor to meet the protector of Kumara village." she said politely. I however, had grimaced a bit as I was given that mental reminder that my village was now destroyed, and from her tone, it seemed she had still not heard about what happened to Kumara village yet. Nevertheless, I smiled back at Saika "Same to you, by the way… you don't happen to be related to…" I started, however, Saika proved to have a quicker tongue than mine "Saniki?" she asked.

I was left practically speechless, how the hell did she even know I was about to ask? My eye twitched a bit in confusion, but I nodded "Yeah… how did you know I would ask…?" I asked her, she chuckled a bit "I read your lips before you could ask, as for my relation to Saniki, I am indeed her sister." answered Saika. She then proceeded to show a slightly annoyed expression "Please forgive me for her treatment toward you… she tends to do that to nearly anyone in the forest behind our village…" said Saika apologetically.

I sweatdropped, she did that to every single person who she found suspicious… I feel sorry for whoever was weak and captured by her. I was only able to take such treatment after taking a beating from an A class, a powerful early B-class demon, and a surprisingly strong C class. Also, let's not forget I faced an insane demon slayer and much more demons right after that, in a desolate forest. Anyone else in my position at the time might've ended up dead or crippled for weeks, even gone nuts.

Back to the subject at hand, I nodded at her understandingly, having captured a few of my own victims back when protecting Kumara village. She seemed like she was about to speak more until she suddenly seemed to remember something "Oh, I must take care of something, I will be back shortly, Kurosawa-sama." she said.

I nodded and watched as she left the room, smiling, she was definitely nicer than Saniki, and more attractive, however… did she just call me sama…? My entire face began to heat up, but I ignored it the best I could as I sat at the side of my bed and began to eat the breakfast she had brought in for me.

Saniki's POV

In The Training Pavillion…

I let out a battle cry as I rushed toward the warriors before me as a blur before they even had a chance to move. I appeared in the center of them all, time appearing as if it seemed to stop as I sent lightning quick, potent slashes toward a large majority of them, penetrating through their armor easily. Blood spurt from their bodies as they all had fallen to the ground with a thud, I sighed at them, even in regular training, they could not keep themselves from getting cut by me, it was pathetic.

I had watched as some of the warriors who seemed to be about a rank above the others I had faced appeared in front of me. I got into a battle stance and began rushing at them slashing at the same speed I had with the others. While some of them did get cut a few times, they had somewhat managed to block most of my strikes. I allowed my assemble my thoughts as I went on the defensive and blocked the energy filled strikes of the warriors.

For one, one being about the Gaijin who had recently entered our village, and was now with Elder Daigen, I had no idea why, but for some reason, Daigen was giving him special treatment over anyone else in the village. I had no idea why, sure he had some power, perhaps he possibly thinks that he could be a good addition to the village. Sadly, if that was the Elder's opinion, it was one I would have to disagree with, what could have the protector of Kumara village been doing out in the forest.

To top it off, he was injured and somehow still managed to walk on his feet. I would admit, maybe tying him up in chains in my house like that was a little harsh, especially in the condition he was in before, but still, the thought just drove me crazy. The second my final slash had pierced one of the warriors, I had looked around to see I had accidentally went on a frenzy and defeated every warrior there. I sweatdropped, just how the heck was I supposed to explain that I nearly killed a group of some soldiers I wanted to train with me?

I took my mind off the thought and I had decided on something, Kurou… he had nearly no background I even knew of, and even with his seemingly kind nature, he looked… sketchy. So I decided that I and a few warriors would go myself to Kumara village, and ask why he left, or why they even knew he left, I walked off to find a battalion of soldiers.

Thankfully, finding a battalion had proved to be quite fast, as soon as I made it to the warrior's hall, however, the soldiers seemed to be half and half of two different ranks, intermediate and elite, meaning if it came down to it, I might end up defending the intermediates. Whether it was smaller or bigger than our villages, all had some type of fearsome government within them, so I had make sure to be careful not to antagonize Kumara.

As we walked through the forest, cutting down whatever beast got in our way, a giant warthog looking creature appeared out of nowhere smashing through the trees. It had sent most of the intermediates flying, the elites however, had luck on their sides, managing to hold themselves to the ground with their weapons, me, I simply stood in the face of the demon beast, scowling at it. The beast had deep steel blue fur that jutted out like metal spikes that would impale through anyone not careful enough when attacking it, and blue eyes with black irises which seemed to glow brilliantly.

The soldiers moved forward to attack the demon, however, I stopped them "Don't, I'll take care of it, after all, you all should be worried about the soldiers we may end up facing in Kumara village." I warned. The soldiers, thankfully seeing my point of view, had stepped back reluctantly. I began grinning as I began to walk toward the warthog, the closer I got, the angrier it seemed to get as its hoofs dragged in the dirt. The warthog's horns began glowing with blue energy as they began to extend, and the warthogs fur crackled intensely with blue energy.

It suddenly began to rush at me with great speed, I simply watched as the beast charged on toward me, red electricity slightly gathered around me as I slightly lowered my body, gripping the hilt of my sword. When the beast was within the right distance, the red electricity burst wildly around my body and I slashed extremely hard at it, cutting it across the side of its chest, managing to cut through its metallic fur. The beast roared in pain and rushed at me again with fury in its eyes, I attacked the beast with an energy filled slash again, only for it to parry with a slash of its horns as well.

It began to slash its horns at me wildly while I blocked each strikes, I had to admit, for a dumb rampaging beast, it was skilled, I'd have to take care that it doesn't get the drop on me somehow. I was in for a surprise when suddenly, upon my next slash, the beast blocked, but wouldn't let me release my slash, trapping the blade in its horns, it had then threw me hard to the side.

I had somehow managed to still hold onto my weapon as it did, I was sent through quite a few trees though, rendering me not so lucky, thankfully however, my sword was grinding against the bark of the trees as I flew through them, slowing me down and allowing me a light landing. I pointed my sword outward as my presence was temporarily hidden within the trees, letting red energy gather around my body like flame. I finally rushed forward to impale it with blinding speed, trees being uprooted behind me from the force of my own dash.

The Warthog turned its head, noticing the mass of energy heading right at it, its horns glowed with blue energy again as it smashed them into the ground, sending a large beeline of it heading for me. I clashed with the blast of blue energy gritting my teeth as I did, I roared in defiance as I tried to break through, my red energy rose in strength increasingly becoming dense and like hellfire, allowing me plow right through the blast. I was now covered by a maelstrom of red energy as I rushed at the Warthog, and with a violent slash, a shockwave reverberated throughout the entire force as a massive wave of red energy could be seen rushing through the trees, cutting each one it passed to the ground.

As for the Warthog, most of its fur had been turned to nothing but cinders from my attack, and one of its horns were completely destroyed while the other was still intact, but very cracked, as if it would break just from a tap. Blood began gushing from its body and it fell to the ground, its body disintegrating as only its core remained left, in the form of a blue energy sphere. I walked toward the sphere and held out my blade, as soon as I did, the sphere began to dissipate and trail right toward the blade of my sword.

It absorbed the demonic energy of the soul's core until all of it was finally sucked in, and it's name became known to me through my sword "Rykuen…" I whispered, and the blue demonic energy slid over the weapon swiftly, now the same color as the energy it stole. There was a reason why I owned this kind of sword, with the power to steal souls, I was a higher up in Kagura village, or to be more precise, the Karasaki Clan. The Karasaki clan is one that has resided in Kagura Village for years to come, in fact, we owned Kagura Village back then, and still do to this day.

Anyone was welcome to live there, even gaijin like Kurou, there was even a section for them to live, as for our citizens, most who came there either had a goal, or wanted power. That boy, Kurou looked like he had the eyes of someone who had both a goal and an insatiable thirst for power, but if he wanted power then why? He was already slightly stronger than trained villagers, however, then there was that energy I sensed from him.

For some reason his energy felt partly… foul, despite the fact that his appearance seemed to suggest he had no evil in him, but now that he was in the hands of the Elder, there wasn't a chance of me proving that theory, which is exactly why I must be in Kumara village right this second. Thankfully, before that demonic beast had attacked, we were already nearing the village, but as we did, something smelt… burnt… and in more than just one place.

At first, I thought this may have been a stray fire, but there was no fire to be seen. There was another foul, deathly stench in the air, as soon as the scent reached me, my eyes widened in fear… blood… a lot of it, and if I wasn't wrong it was wherever I smelled those burns. I grit my teeth and turned back to the troops "All of you… whatever enemies await us in there, do not hold back, especially considering there may have been a slaughter near here…" I warned, which lead to even the elites, to tremble with dread.

I began to walk, cutting through most of the bushes and branches entrenched in front of us, when we made it, my eyes widened upon what I witnessed. I didn't expect to be correct about my earlier assumption, but it seemed that sadly… I was. Looking through the remains, I could tell this definitely had once been a village, however, everything there was incinerated and broken apart, and whoever's blood was spilt here now, if possible, gave off an even more deadly stench than it once had, dried up and now commingled with the soil.

I gave the troops a sign to tread carefully through the village, upon entering. I could see there were corpses of villagers with an array of weapons in their hands, which seemed to be burned so severely that they were now practically their limbs. The homes here were reduced to ashes and stacked piles of wood, I felt my foot suddenly step upon something hard.

I slowly looked down to see… the disembodied head of a child, as if it was poison, my eyes widened with horror before kicking the head away, breathing heavily, my body surging with relief the farther it got from me. Kurou… just who the hell was he…? Other than stony exterior and that strange eyepatch of his, he didn't seem to want to make enemies, and was even respectful enough that we couldn't accurately assume he even was one.

I never would've expected that when I decided to investigate his village… that I would find nothing but rubble, blood and ashes. I would definitely make sure I told the Elder, this was proof enough that he might be a threat to our village. Who else could've reduced it to such ashes, especially after seeing those green flames he had once fired at me. Hard as it was to admit, they could have injured me greatly had they impacted with my body, they were much hotter than regular flames.

I gathered the troops and began to walk off, ready to leave the horrid sight of what was once Kumara village, however, I had suddenly felt an immeasurable amount of bloodlust, directed right at us. I didn't know who could've been here, but clearly they meant to pose a threat, something I had no patience for. Unsheathing my sword in an instant, I turned around quicker than the troops even had time to register and slashed at the unknown hostile, only to find my blade to be blocked.

My eyes widened at the now revealed figure I was seeing… it was one of the charred corpses I had seen lying dead on the ground earlier, blocking with its bare arm, however, they looked slightly different. Their bodies had seemed to be restructured to at least look somewhat human, however, a black aura oozed out of their bodies unstably, crackling around them. Strange markings, pitch black markings were all over their bodies, not only that, but their eyes glowed a very fierce green color.

I knocked the figure back, still holding a strong stance and expression, however, deep inside my eyes showed that I was horrified. The figure gave me an animalistic glare as the skin on its arms suddenly began to bulge and gave shape to large arm blades. It was not alone, multiple more bodies raised from the ground like zombies, all protruding similar kinds of weapon like appendages on different parts of their bodies.

I was about to give a command to the troops, who seemed scared out of their wits, but they had already charged at them before I could give the order, eager to get rid of the hideous abominations at once. One of the intermediates had rushed at it in a burst of speed, his sword ready. The beastlike creature I had just faced simply let out a feral screech into the air, rushing at him as well. As soon as the intermediate slashed his blade, the creature with a swift movement of its arm, had instantly shattered his sword into nothing but countless bits of metal, proceeding to protrude blades from its legs as it kicked at him. The blade sliced through his chest while sending him flying and crashing very hard into one of the piles of wood.

The rest of the intermediates rushed forward, aiming to overpower the monster, however, they were overcome when its allies decided to join in, and were sliced and dice to nothing but ribbons. My grip on my own sword was now shaking, this power… it wasn't normal… not in the slightest, the elites eyes had been widened the whole time they watched the gruesome sight, they were all trembling with great fear.

One of the beasts had suddenly rushed forward at me only for an elite to rush at it with blinding speed, impaling it right through the chest as he did. Others appeared around him, however, blue energy gathered around his body until forming into crystallized spikes in the air, floating around him as they continued to run at him, until the spikes finally shot forward, piercing and pinning the abominations into the walls of wood.

The elite suddenly jumped back, appearing right by me, "Are you ok?" he asked worriedly, I let the fear in my eyes flow out of me and got up "I'm fine, just trying to make sense of this though, what the hell are these things?" I said. I knew without a doubt they must've had something to do with Kurou. They had looked back towards the strongest one among their ranking as they began to charge their auras, "We'll hold them back! You both must inform the Elder of this immediately!!" one of them yelled, snapping out of it, I nodded shakily "I'm sorry…" I said with a grave voice.

There was nothing I could do after dragging them into all of this. I was left with no other choice but to leave them to fulfill their final duties to the Karasaki clan. I swore that the minute I arrived back to Kagura village, I would murder that 'protector' Kurou.