Path of the Cambion: Kurou's Rising Chapter 10

Daigen's POV

I was walking throughout Kagura village with an entire squadron of my troops, as focused as ever to rid it of these abominations, however, while I thought of them, that boy would always pop up in my mind. How is it that a simple village defender, had turned out to be one of the most legendary beings to exist, a cambion? Back in old legends, cambions were two things, either bringers of chaos and destruction, or individuals that invited prosperity wherever they walked.

I wondered whether Kurou could be one or the other, he certainly didn't seem like someone to want to wish chaos upon a world, however, when we sparred, he didn't bother using his demonic power at all. Did it have something to do with that eyepatch? Somehow, I could feel some kind of suppression in Kurou's power from it, I would ask him about it later however, from what I learned from him back in that room, he had to go through hell to even have a hope of making it to my village.

Now that I was thinking about it however, I had once visited there, and met the village Elder, chief Kaira, he'd been a companion of mine since we were young. I wondered what could've happened to him, and so help me, if he was dead, that organization Kurou had described would be showering in blood. As we were walking, we ran into a group of a few of the abominations, as it was fit to call them as they were now, all summoning their weapons as they rushed toward us with raving bloodlust with Muietsu-Kirijoku simply in katana form.

I rushed at them, after images of myself appearing all around me and slashing at the abominations along with myself, cutting them all in half before they had a chance to attack, I watched as my top soldiers engaged in battle with the beasts as well. The soldiers had all fired rapid arks of multicolored energy in succession toward them, they didn't even have time to screech out as they were all destroyed by the blasts of energy. I smiled, it seems that thankfully, they had not slacked off on their training, suddenly, there was a loud scream from behind us, from one of the villagers.

I looked over to see there was a fairly large, bulky abomination attacking them, with a very large weapon in its hands, which looked to a scythe, with blades on each end of the handle. One of the larger villagers were fighting against it while the others ran on, having on what looked to be black armor, long black hair, brown skin, and… pitch black eyes. The weapon in his hand was what looked to be a twin swords, both as what looked to be two twin malchus swords. I knew who it was immediately, Kaizan, one of my old students, and if I was right, he practiced shadow manipulation.

I watched as Kaizan took on the gigantic beast before him, both of their blades clashing with great force to the point that some clashes made craters form all around them, however, Kaizan finished it off when he jumped back and released a powerful pinpointed blast of shadows at it. The blast plowed completely through its chest, killing it as the blast went on to send its body into the ground, a dark explosion of shadows enveloping the area it was in. Kaizan looked over at me as the smoke from the blast he'd fired began to clear "Chief Daigen… I'm glad you're here, I was hoping you could explain this situation to me, I didn't expect beasts to appear as of late." he said as he walked toward me.

The metal of his armor creating a resounding, whirring clack every time his feet slammed into the ground, I couldn't believe I hardly recognized him, he was very different now from the gentle young boy I had once trained. I sighed as I looked at him "Well, Raizan, it seems our village has been invaded by hordes of these creatures, so, I've made it a task to rid the village of them, lest they demolish the whole area." I said, just speaking about it had gotten me ready to get back out there and kill one of those creatures.

Raizan crossed his arms "Then it's like I thought, a demon created these things." deduced Raizan, I slightly narrowed my eyes, this would be trouble, especially if Raizan found out about Kurou. Accidental or not, the fact remained that he had caused the creation of these creatures, and Raizan was no stranger when it came to killing, I could see it in his eyes. I kept a stern expression as I looked at Raizan "It doesn't matter what has created these menaces or not, we can save that for later, right now, we must focus on hunting down these creatures." I said, Raizan nodded in agreement and we both began to walk through the village.

It had only been two hours and in that time, every horde that appeared before us was simply annihilated, to the point that I could only sense only a handful of these creatures left, however, something concerned me. Unlike the other abominations we'd faced, there was one that seemed to be the strongest out of them all, noticeably above my own strength. This difference was unsettling, however, I had expected it to happen, these beasts were considerably powerful in general after all, it only made sense that just one of them would have that level of power. Thankfully Raizan was with me, but just how much of a difference would that really make?

We ran over to the area of the creatures, increasing my speed with my own energy, while Raizan easily managed to keep up using his shadows, when we had made it, my eyes widened in shock at the sight before us…

Kurou's POV

It had been hours as we traversed throughout the many areas of Kagura Village, and many of the demonic creatures that stood in our way were destroyed, we were all breathing heavily as we did. Slaying these things in this village brought me back to the times I had to defend Kumara village, the first time, they were just C classes, however, at the time, I wasn't as strong, and for demons as weak as that, they gave me a run for my money.

Thankfully, I had survived, miraculously managing to defeat them all, so I was forced to eliminate them as well, however, know there was a difference, a horrific one, these things I were slaying… they were the corpses of those I once knew, the people I had fought to protect and loved. I was slaying the corpses of my own family, who'd been turned into these damn beasts, it made no sense to me at all. Right now, after shredding through a multitude of groups of them, we were taking a small breather.

I looked at both Saika and Saniki "How are you guys holding up?" I asked them. Saniki looked at me "We could be better… but these creatures are relentless, now matter how many we kill, more just appear in their place." she said in an annoyed tone, even Saika was beginning to look pissed off at how stubborn these creatures were.

Suddenly, we had seen what looked like a giant pillar of smoke rising into the sky, Saika's eyes had widened "That smoke… Chief Daigen is over there!!" she yelled. Saniki's look became grave and she was the first to bolt over there, me and Saika just trailing behind, we luckily had managed to keep up with her and we all landed to the ground, however, when we made it, Saika, Saniki, and most of all, me, were shocked. What was before us appeared to be the monstrosity among these creatures, it had the same sleek, black skin on it.

However, something was different about it from the others, this one had brown energy surging around its body… like at any moment, its power was about to burst. I was able to sense Xhanaru becoming shocked "Shit… that creature's energy is abou-" he started, but it was too late, the brown energy had begun to crackle wildly before finally erupting around its body. The energy around it came down as a sphere with the beast inside it, shooting everywhere, destroying an innumerable amount of homes in the area.

The sphere was suddenly sliced in half, and I looked in shock at what came out, the being retained its pitch black skin, however, it was different now, clad in bronze armor with a strange sword in its hand. The sword's blade seemed to be completely circular, with the hilt connected to both parts of it in the middle, it had a dark brown blade and the hilt was golden with bronze streaks over it. As for the figure's face, they had chocolate brown eyes and crimson, spiky hair, however, my eyes were completely focused on the weapon it held… it didn't even look like a sword at all.

The figure… it was a… demon, which meant all of these things here… they would have the same result, the demon stared directly at me for a while, watching right before screaming out, a giant blast of bronze energy coming from its mouth. I put my arms in a cross block, only to be sent flying and crashing right into a building behind me. The demon roared out and began to suddenly rush toward Saika and Saniki, slashing down ferociously, they both managed to jump out of the way as the slash created a crater.

It suddenly threw the sword at them as if it were a boomerang, red energy swirled around Saniki's body as she bolted and slashed at the blade. However, it didn't stop, maroon energy charging around it as it grew to the point of quickly overpowering Saniki and slamming her right into the ground. The demon ran right for her while she was down, I quickly summoned my weapon as the demon ran at her, then with a hard swing sent the disconnecting blade right toward the demon.

It cried out in pain as my chain-whip sword smashed into its chest, lodging itself in there, with a pull of my sword, it came hurdling in my direction, and when it got close, I had covered a very powerful amount of flames around my arm and punched it with all I could. The demon was sent flying very far while engulfed in green hellfire, smashing into the ground soon after. I suddenly felt something different when I had summoned my flames, I looked at my arm and saw that the metal was now green. Looks like I had augmented the gauntlet of this armor, so I decided it'd be best to augment the entire armor, covering my body entirely in flames as I thought about it.

The demon got up off its feet, rushing at me again with a wild chase, I ran at the demon as my flames still surrounded me, brown energy surrounded it as well, and connecting my sword again. I slashed very hard as it had done the same, our auras and weapons clashing, we both jumped back from our clash and the demon had suddenly, covered its sword in energy before smashing it into the ground, large brown stone spikes rising from the ground and heading toward me.

Thanks to the fight with Kagrasia, I had known better and simply jumped out of the way of the over the spikes, coming back down engulfed in jade flames and slashing down at it while in the air. This caused the ground under it to nearly give way as it blocked before it slammed its hand into the ground as this happened, causing one more stone spike to head up straight toward me piercing through the flames and cutting away a large chunk at the side of my chest.

I cried out as I jumped back from the demon, but managed to keep it together, firing a gigantic blast of green flames toward him, it held its hand out, a small magic circle appearing in front of its hand as a stone wall came ripping from the ground and blocked the hellfire. I grit my teeth and heated the flames as I forced the flames to move around the wall, the demon simply formed the stone into a cone-like structure, blocking them entirely. Annoyed, I screamed as I gave the flames one final push, causing them to all combust and explode around the stone cone, I breathed heavily, this demon had not only power, but defense on its side, if I got hit by any of the stone it made, two words, not good.

The flames suddenly disseminated, showing the demon with minor burn marks on its body, but otherwise unharmed, it had the cone on its arm again but in a big enough size that it wore it around its arm. The demon dashed at me, with the cone pointed, I was unable to move from the shock I felt at it surviving that much energy until snapping out of it and slashing at it. The force of the slash knocked its arm sideways, until it slammed the brunt of the drill against my body so hard that green blood rushed gushed from my mouth and I was sent crashing into a wall.

I suddenly remembered something, in my fight against Daigen, I had only shed red blood, but the attack thankfully was not life-threatening, on the other hand this demon intended to kill whatever so much as glanced at it, and the attack had nearly put me out of commision. Putting two and two together, I remembered, red blood, my human blood would only shed against minor wounds, and green blood against severe ones, I needed to make sure I didn't forget this again. Arms made completely of stone suddenly started ripping from the ground, and rock warriors in similar shapes to the demon before appeared in front of me.

Not only that, even the wood of the homes, and the wood of the house which I was in somehow started to became sand. I blocked a quick slash from one of the stone warriors as it created a sword in its hand, and the rest began bombarding me with barrages of slashes. I didn't know how but somehow I managed to fend most of them off, until I grabbed one of them and smashed their head into the ground, flipping over it as I did. I turned in midair and slashed my sword very hard, sending a gigantic ark of flames rushing toward them, cutting them all in half, until exploding when it hit the ground, disintegrating them completely.

The demon appeared behind me while I was in the air and grabbed me by the neck, my eyes going wide as it suddenly rushed with me in its grip. I screamed in choking pain as it ran with me before it finally covered me in brown energy and threw me very hard, I pounded into the ground harder than normal after that. The demon jumped high into the air, then landed right in front of me, reaching to grab me again, the second it had tried again though, I blasted an inferno of them right from my mouth.

However I grit my teeth as I stood up, these seals Saniki put on me were still intact, and if they didn't come of me soon, sooner or later, air wouldn't be the only thing I'd have to worry about. The minute I thought about this however, I suddenly felt them release, and my wounds began to regenerate. My eyes widened as this caused an aura of flames to rise around my body, how did… as soon as I felt a trace of magic energy on me, just a small trace, I knew, smirking to myself, I really had to thank that old man when I saw him, as well as Saniki.

Now I seemed to be even more powerful due to what those seals had done, I looked up at the demon determinedly "It's over!!" I screamed as an inferno exploded all around my body. I unsheathed Rhienzan as well, purple electricity now swirling around a sphere of flames around me, I sped towards the demon with terrifying speed. Its eyes widened and it blocked, however, it was now being pushed back as it blocked due to my newfound strength.

I had spun in the air as the flames around me disappeared, covering my entire leg in a powerful combination of hellfire and violet lightning and smashed my foot into its face, the impact so strong that it was sent flying at extreme speeds. Saniki had looked completely dumbfounded at my now unsealed power, Saika seemed to have a sultry expression, but for the most part everyone seemed surprise.

Even Daigen looked like he was having a bit of trouble comprehending how the hell my power just suddenly exploded, one thing was for certain in their minds though, I had become a complete destructive beast. I rushed at it again with a very loud battle cry, engulfed in the colossal inferno of green flames and magenta thunder all around me, until a very large pillar of brown energy erupted from the demon it stood, roaring like a wild beast. It was pissed, that was for certain now, it rose out its hand into the air as it screamed and gigantic rock pillars burst from the ground all at random, I moved out of the way of each one very quickly.

I had dispersed the flames around me for a moment, just a moment, then began to cut away at many of the pillars that crossed my path, turning them all into multiple rock discs in the air. I began kicking them all toward the demon, it destroyed many of the discs that came its way with simple slashes of its sword, however, it had managed to serve as a good distraction for me to appear right in front of the demon, covered in the inferno once more. There was a very powerful maelstrom of demonic energy and of Rhienzan exploding throughout the area, the power destroying the entire block we were in.

Everyone had been protected by a very large barrier of water Daigen had put up, all the while, he was completely astonished at the devastating display of power I had just shown. I was standing right in the center of the flames, where the dead body of the demon had now lay, my jacket flowing throughout the wind. I looked at everyone from the corner of my eye, Daigen out of his stupor, began to slowly clap as he walked toward me everyone "Kurou Kurosawa, I must say, I am speechless, for I haven't seen that kind of power from the young, or even cambions in years." said Daigen.

I wasn't sure whether that was bad or good, but judging from how impressed he sounded, I was sure it was the latter. I sheathed both of my blades and turned to him fully, "Just means I had a good teacher, or should I say teachers?" I said with a grin, without Daigen's support, I would've been killed, I definitely owed him. Daigen smirked "Indeed my boy, indeed." he said. Water would swirl around his body until flying up into the air above him, until coming down like rain, slowly but surely putting out the hellfire. I watched the hellfire as it was extinguished, most hellfire couldn't be put out by normal water, however, water made from magic energy did the trick much better, however, Daigen had done it so simply, and with such a meager amount of magic energy, I had a lot to learn from this man, I had a feeling of it from the first time I met him.

My expression became gloomy, now that this had happened, that my demonic power had been displayed in public, I probably wouldn't be allowed to stay here, I began to start walking away, knowing I would only cause everyone trouble. Daigen called out to me "Where are you going boy?" Daigen asked, I didn't look back at him, but I stopped walking "I have places to go." I would say, trying to disguise the sadness in my voice. Daigen caught on quickly though and appeared right beside me in a burst of water "My boy, I think that's a lie and you know it is." he said with a rather forceful tone.

I would look down, sure I wanted to stay, but how would I possibly be able to dodge Hellzone corps while still living here "I don't wanna give you guys any unnecessary trouble, after all, you've learned that I'm a cambion." I said in a sad voice. Daigen looked down as if he had just lost a grandson, until suddenly seeming like he had an idea "Then may I suggest a proposal?" he asked. I gave him an interested look, nodding "For the events following, you will stay here for 3 months, under my supervision and training, believe it or not, while that beast may have been on my level, that would be in reference to my sealed level." said Daigen with a cocky grin.

My mouth was wide with surprise… sealed!? I'm lucky he didn't accidentally kill me like a fly during training! I just sighed, with a skeptical look on my face, he would put a hand on my shoulder "I know you believe you can handle yourself on your own, but one boy can only handle so much alone, you must be wise with your choices, and decide whether that really is the wisest thing to do." said Daigen, once again, he was right, I couldn't just be cocky and head straight out like that.

I looked at him with a slight smirk and nodded "Well you've got a point old man, so I'll take your offer." I said. I would suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around me suddenly, I whirled around to see Saika there,that sultry expression still on her face, which only made me ten times as red as before, especially since her breasts were literally right against my damn back "Kurou… I'm gonna enjoy sparring with you, my emerald prince…" she said in a flirtatious voice, ignoring what I said. This only made my blushing even worse, one moment she was as prim and proper as can be, the next, she's freaking flirting with me, what the hell was up with girls!?

Saniki stomped up to her sister, oh god thank you, atleast she would snap Saika out of it, but the world hated me when apparently, since she grabbed my arm close to her chest, and both of them began pulling me like I was a damn ragdoll "Saika…! You're not getting him as a sparring partner, I still owe this foul creature a beating!!" she yelled at her, and argument soon ensuing, my normal life, where had you gone…?