Path of the Cambion: Kurou's Rising, Chapter 16

As I walked, I would notice a familiar figure, with a black spear in his hand, that man… Kaiza, I would walk up to him, wondering why he was here "I see you managed to defeat that S-class, impressive for a kid." said Kaiza, I was glad he wasn't calling me a brat like before, but stayed focused "Why are you here?" I asked him, and he would open his eyes, looking at me straight in my own.

"Your skill, you've obviously been taught from a young age, have you not?" asked Kaiza, and I would nod at him, my entire village had taught me everything I knew about fighting since I was a child, so battles or encounters like I had with him were familiar to me, he would then smirk "Well, let's see what we can do to polish that skill a bit. Get in stance." he told me sternly. Without hesitation, I did, feeling there was something to learn from him, he walked around me, looking me over before poking at my legs with his pole "Your legs aren't straight, the moment someone strikes you, you put yourself at risk of losing your ground and possibly your weapon in the process, straighten yourself and keep a firm grip, and this will eliminate that risk entirely." Kaiza told me, I nodded and I would change my stance as instructed, land he looked at me with a smirk. "Good, remember that stance, ingrain it into your memory if you have to, it will serve you well in coming battles." said Kaiza.

"You're lucky that Edakura is protecting you," Kaiza said to me as he walked up to me, ruffling my hair "I've never seen her so happy before, she's definitely grown an attachment to you." Said Kaiza while I scowled a bit as I fixed my hair, but listened. Kaiza then looked up and smirked "It's probably because she misses her own child, after a while of being raised by her, he eventually left to join Hellzone Corps, she hasn't heard back from him since, I think you'd like him though, he's a lot like you, hot headed." Said Kaiza, making me a fume at him a bit and utter a small "screw you.". Kaiza just chuckled at me and gave me a serious look "Oi kid, can you do me a favor?" Asked Kaiza, and I would look at him confused, but would nod.

"...protect her would you? Get stronger so you can keep her safe, she was never the same when her son left, I don't want to see her like that again if I can help it." Says Kaiza, Edakura's brother, he really cared about her a lot, and hearing all this and coming to get to know Edakura and he with her, I could understand why, so I nodded at him, I'd make sure to do my best to protect her… my new mother. After telling him this, he smiled at me and patted my head "Good, then I'll hold you to it, do the best you can." Said Kaiza, walking off, watching as he disappeared into the forest.

I walked off as well through the forest, and a while later, I encountered what seemed to be Edakura, who was covered in bandages around her waist and shoulder. She didn't notice me walking up to her until I hugged her suddenly.

"...! Kurou…" Edakura said, putting her dress back over the bandages along with her cloak. She looked down at me, turning around to hug me back, holding me in her arms gently. "What is it?" she asked me softly, stroking my hair gently like a mother would their child. I could only look serious as I remembered what Kaiza had said to me back there, about protecting her, making sure she stayed safe, just hearing about how heartbroken she was after her original child, made me want to protect her more.

I repeated to her what I remembered Kaiza saying to me, she gave a bit of a surprised look before signing and pulling me closer to her "That worrisome brother, I do not need protecting like he thinks I does, though I appreciate the thought, from both him and you." Said Edakura with a smile, still stroking my hair. I nodded at her, hugging her tighter as well. "I am starting to think of you as my own child. And as a mother, it is my duty to protect you and take care of you. Never think that you are at fault. Even if I get hurt."

We began to head back to Kagura Village, but as we walked, we suddenly heard what sounded like an explosion, I looked back to see… a very large pillar of pitch black energy. I only knew one person with that kind of energy… I rushed over to the area, Edakura tried to stop me, but I was already gone within the forest.

Xenona's POV

For the past 1200 years, I have been one of 6 high princesses of the succubus realm, and nobody dared to challenge me after I had taken down the last group that came and attacked. I assumed that was why I was out of shape, and no longer was as good of a fighter that I used to be. Of course, nobody was aware of this, and neither was I. Or, I didn't let myself think that I was weak, keeping my pride as a succubus and one of the Demon Royals. It had taken me a lot of work to get the good graces of everyone in the kingdom, and I had endured too much to lose it all now.

Sitting on a pedestal and being treated like a queen was so boring from time to time. The humans were always a good source of entertainment, especially the irony of them attacking and killing their own kind. It was why we treated humans as pets like the Vampires did, only in a sexual kind of way instead of livestock. We were two of many realms that allowed human relationships into our realm, but it was really the princess of the vampires that really inspired me. She was my rival, but also a sister.

Sitting on my personal throne once again, I found myself growing bored while waiting for something to happen. Thus, I flew through the dimensional cut that I created and flew through, finding myself in the human realm. I grinned, hoping to find something entertaining that would distract me from my boring duties and would give me an excuse. I didn't expect the excuse to be one that was a very serious case and one that truly happened; I usually lied about the events that occurred in the human realm to keep myself out of trouble with my advisors, my sisters, and of course, my mother.

"Hmph," I sighed, spreading my wings wide, soaring through the air, the black and red feathers gleaming a crimson light from the sunlight that shone on it. "Angels, in a place like this?" I muttered, a strong flap making me, suddenly, above the attacks of the angels that suddenly surrounded me. I growled, closing the gateway to my realm to make sure that none of the angels could slip through and attack my people. It was a trick that the princess of the vampires showed me so nobody could sneak into my realm, but at the same time, nobody could go out, succubus or not.

"Xenona of the succubi, it is time for your repentance," the leader of the angels said, pointing her white sword at me, making me smirk and shake my head. She flew towards me with a calm look on her face, obviously not letting her anger take over the power of her actions. I, in turn, held my hand out. Crimson flames swirled around the base of my hand before they formed into a deep red crystal sword. Our blades clashed, power rippling through the air around us.

"An angel like you should go back to God. You stand no chance against a royal," I said as they flew back and forth, our blades blocking the other's attacks. Looking down, I dodged around the white arrows that were sent towards me, finding it cheap that it was practically 1 against 25 professional warriors. However, when it came to my power, I was considered to be on par with a god. In each realm, they had gods, and the equivalent of the most powerful god would be the ruler; the king or the queen always being the most powerful god, of course there were those among that level of power who were considered to be rebels, though I was a special exception to that rule, having potential to surpass even my own mother.

"Your blade is the sign of evil!" the angel said, narrowing her eyes while our blades continued to fend off the other. I didn't answer as red flames started to form around my body into multiple blades, pointed towards each of the angel warriors. "...! Watch out!" she called down to her men down below, and most of them managed to dodge, though some of them were pierced by the swords, making them disintegrate into nothing but darkness. "You…!"

"I'll give you 5 seconds to leave here before I lose my temper," I said as I glared at the angel, starting to get annoyed. I came to have fun and play around with humans, not to seal off my own realm and fight against "God's" angels or so they called him. The angel didn't back down just yet and went for a strike to do me in. Our blades clashed and we pushed against each other only for some stray arrows to fly and hit my wings, making me lose control and get cut by the angel's blade. "T'ch…"

"I will not be losing anytime soon," the angel said, pointing her blade at me, and I found myself really peeved at this point. Closing my eyes, I created a large array of more crimson crystal weapons with my red flames, sending them flying into the backs of half of the remaining angels. The leader had a shocked look on her face while I suddenly fought back. It made me smirk and laugh, knowing that I had caught her off guard. "Damn… everyone retreat!" she yelled, the angels backing off for now.

"What a pain," I whispered, landing on my feet, looking at the damage done to my wings. Since it was holy attack damage, it burned and it would take longer for the wounds to heal. I folded my arms for the time being, turning around, only to be greeted by a young looking, green haired boy. "...You're not an angel of god," I commented, narrowing my eyes suspicious of the boy. "You're not a demon either. Nor human. A cambion?"

Kurou's POV

I had looked at the succubus before me with a bit of fear, it would take an idiot to not notice the demon practically annihilating a squadron of angels before her, but standing in front of the very demon that killed them, you had to have had a death wish. Just by sensing her energy, I already could guess her power was stronger or on par with Edakura's, maybe even beyond it. I made an effort to stay where I stood and nodded my head. "I'm a cambion as you say," I said. I couldn't afford to act suspicious around such a powerful demon like her or it might be the death of me, I could tell by the pressure her power was putting on me, but it didn't mean I wouldn't fight back if forced to either.

I watched as the demoness flew down closer towards me before suddenly grabbing my chin, lifting it up until I was looking straight into her hazel brown eyes. She smirked "Are you here to entertain me? You seem a bit young." she would say in a seductive tone of voice. I nearly choked, young or not, I was old enough to know what the hell that meant, especially when I passed by certain bars back in Kumara Village, and even in Kagura Village, my only answer was to blush a red that rivaled that of the succubus's crimson flames.

The succubus would let out a laugh before suddenly, her eyes went slightly wide before passing out against me, somehow, I had a feeling I should've expected this, after all, she had just fought against angels, it was only natural that their holy magic would affect her this badly. I began to look around, wondering what I should do, taking a demon to Kagura Village might prove fatal, but Edakura might know what to do… now that I thought about it, she'd be pissed off with me when I got back. Sighing, I shrugged off the thought and began to run off to find Edakura, holding the demon girl bridal style in my arms as I did.

After a while of running, I finally began to see a blue silhouette, Edakura, I ran towards her, calling out her name, however, when I got close, for some reason, she looked very… pissed off. I was practically trembling in fear "E-E-Edakura… I need help." I said in a shaky voice, however, she didn't seem to listen, turning back, I was confused, what the heck was with her? "Edakura, please help!" I said again, a small amount of cobalt blue flames sparked around her in anger, but she sighed and turned back, and soon, we laid her out on a blanket I happened to bring with me, and Edakura treated her wounds with some herbs.

I watched as Edakura took a mortar and pestle and started to grind specific herbs together. I didn't recognize any of them, but I assumed that they were from wherever she came from, or maybe she collected them along her travels. They created some sort of weird mixture, and Edakura added some water into it, creating a green mush. It didn't look appetizing, but as long as it worked, I guess it didn't matter. "Alright, spread this along her wounds with the pestle," she told me, handing me the mortar.

I nodded, doing as Edakura asked and spread the mortar over any wounds I could notice on the demoness, all the while however, I felt confused. Why the hell would a demon as powerful as her travel to the mortal realm, it reminded me of when Vizas first appeared, both killing those that hunted after them. Without even thinking about it, I asked "Edakura, you wouldn't happen to know this demon right?" I just had to know, it was my first time meeting a demon who didn't try to kill me.

Edakura would sigh and nod her head. "I have met her once before." she said simply, but nothing more than that, but before I could try to ask more, there was suddenly the sound of coughing. I looked down and saw that the demon girl below us seemed to finally be waking up, I quickly took a bottle of clean water from a bag I had with me and had her drink some, which seemed to calm down her coughing fit. Soon, her eyes began to flutter open, and she was now fully awake, the first person her eyes darting toward me, then Edakura.

I was a bit startled when the demoness woke up, she seemed to have a confused look on her face upon seeing Edakura. I wanted to ask just how the hell she even knew Edakura, but I pushed those thoughts away for now as the girl tried to get up, only to grunt slightly in pain. "Don't push yourself." I said shortly, feeling worried when she tried to push herself, I didn't know why, but I wanted to help her.

Edakura suddenly got up and sent a kick towards the demoness, and she rolled away, dodging. They both glared at each other, an obvious anger towards each other in their eyes. "Princess Xenona, I do not know what kind of seduction magic you pulled off this time, but stay away from Kurou," Edakura hissed at the succubus known as Xenona, standing in front of me, as if protecting me. But from what, I didn't really understand nor did I know.

They'd both start bickering like hell, I could just sense it, but suddenly, out of nowhere, there seemed to be an explosion out of nowhere, I ran outside and looked to see what looked like… white flames with blue streaks in them. Though they seemed similar in nature to hellfire, I could tell that they were "Angelic Flames…" I guessed, it's not as if it wasn't possible for them to use fire, but I had to wonder who the hell fired it. I was forced to jump out of the way of another one that came rushing toward me, I grit my teeth in anger, pointing my sword in the direction they came "Come out now!" I yelled out.

Deep laughing could suddenly be heard in the spot the flames were fired before suddenly, I felt a figure appear behind me, my eyes widened and I quickly turned around, managing to block an incoming slash with the scabbard of Rhienzan, seeing the man's appearance as he jumped back. He had spiky blue hair with white streaks in them, white clothes with blue streaks such as a trench coat with blue flames on some parts of it, and white jeans of the same design, with a blue shirt underneath, and white boots with chains wrapped around them. There was one thing they had that seemed a bit strange, black gloves on, with azure blue magic circles at the palms of them, I smirked slightly, if I was lucky, I could try to find out just what kind they were, but for now, I focused on the insane looking angel.

The angel gave me a disdainful look as if he was going to pierce through my skull just from looking at me, "Just perfect, I look for a demoness, only to run into a filthy cambion." said the angel, I snarled at his words, suddenly, a white and blue katana appeared in their hand. The angel pointed their sword at me with a grin "I will give you one of two choices, step aside, or be purified, which choice shall you take?" he asked aggressively. I just glared at him and unsheathed Rhienzan.

"Neither!" I yelled as I rushed forward at him, covered in dark purple electricity, a bloodthirsty grin appeared on his face and he thrust his sword toward mine, our blades clashing fiercely. I grit my teeth as I struggled to push him back while he kept grinning his insane grin, so this is what the power of an angel felt like, it hurt a lot more than fighting a demon, that was for sure. I slid my blade against his, managing to escape the clash, the force of it causing a shockwave, the angelic man began to send multiple thrusts of his sword toward me, each one being hastily dodged or blocked. Suddenly, those white and blue flames I saw before began to ignite around his sword as he sent his next slash at me, I quickly covered Rhienzan in magenta electricity and slashed back at him and a maelstrom of our energies was created upon clashing.

There was smoke around the entire area until suddenly, an ark of those angelic flames again came rushing through it, I sent a blast of electricity from Rhienzan toward it, destroying it. I could hear insane laughter from inside the smoke and I began to get angry, wondering where that bastard an angel was hiding, until suddenly, he appeared above me, covered in an inferno of his flames. I quickly created a purple energy barrier upon seeing him, but it broke instantly on impact, an explosion of white and blue flames dispersing the smoke.

Blood ran down the corner of my mouth as the angel stood above me, I pulled myself back up, glaring at the angel in rage while he only chuckled at me, "Rheasio!!!" I yelled out, and in a flash, a destructive pillar of crimson and yellow energy with black streaks appeared all around me. Black pieces of demonic metal appeared all around me, all of them suddenly forming around on my body until finally forming the entire armor, Rheasio, I sliced through the pillar with Rhienzan. The blade had changed as well, now a darker purple with a longer blade and energy flowing down some of it and even my own hair had become crimson with yellow streaks, my eyes red as well "Hmph, for a Cambion, that's pretty impressive, even for me, Ryezin, hunter of all who'd oppose the will of God! But tell me…" he asked as he would get in a stance.

Ryezin simply chuckled at my new form while I just kept glaring, no emotion in my eyes "Is this supposed to scare me?" he asked jokingly until I suddenly appeared right by him, my blade held to his neck.

"No, it's supposed to kill you." I told him in a monotone voice, the demonic energy in it making my voice sound distorted.

"Don't get full of yourself Cambion!!" he would scream as he slashed at me with his angelic flames, I was pushed back by them as I blocked, but remained in a standing position and deflected the flames, then sent multiple blasts of crimson and yellow flames at him. Ryezin would summon a frontal barrier of of his white and azure flames, but my hellfire would combine into one giant blast and pummel through it, slamming into Ryezin and sending him flying through the trees.

A colossal inferno of Ryezin's flames would explode forth from within the trees, near instantly disintegrating everything as he walked toward me, he would suddenly hold out his hand "Chains of God!!" he would yell out. Suddenly, what looked like shining white chains would rip out from the ground around Ryezin and would fly toward me, I would deflect and dodge each chain that came at me, only for one to wrap around my arm, then for more and more to wrap around me and chain me up into the air. This felt… just like my dream, chained up by my arms and legs helplessly, with no hope of escape "Like them? These chains are full of purifying magic, as well as light, just try to move and you'll be disintegrated by its holy light!" he yelled out at me with insane laughter.

However, before Ryezin could activate the holy magic, a gigantic blast of very dark blue flames rammed right into Ryezin, sending him flying an amazing distance away from us, I looked to see that this was Edakura with Xenona beside her, "We must retreat for now." she said simply, creating a portal of flames blue as she walked toward me. An enraged Ryezin could be seen rushing at us in an inferno of angelic flames, not planning on letting us escape, however, with a slash of my sword, I had managed to make a large cut on his chest. The force of it sent him flying away as we disappeared within Edakura's portal, going to who knows where except for Edakura herself.

Opening my eyes, I soon found myself back at Kagura Village. Blinking, looking around, I saw no signs of the angel from earlier and immediately assumed that we were safe. "Edakura! You have to teach me-" I started to say, only for Edakura to cover my mouth, then grabbed my ear "Kurou, that was very reckless of you, I do not distrust your abilities, but do not put yourself in unnecessary harm, understood?" she told me sternly, and I nodded, Edakura smiling and letting go, patting my head.

I then looked at Xenona, there was a serious look in her eyes, but they also seemed to be cold as they looked over the female I thought of as my mother. "Reckless. A cambion like you shouldn't be overusing that ability so much, it drains too much magic." I heard Xenona say under her breath, and I could see the anger that was swelling up, causing Edakura to glare at her and sparks seemed to be between them . To be honest, I didn't really understand why Edakura shouldn't have the ability that she had.

However, I slowly began to understand and decided to ask "Why shouldn't she have the ability? We all would've been dead if she hadn't done that." I asked Xenona, however, I was met with a glare that would have killed the devil himself in response.

"Only the royals are supposed to have the ability to open portals. Demons were granted the abilities by us, while she is part royal demon, the strain is greater on any cambion than that of a full royal demon, and if used too much, can lead to exhaustion or worse, death. Xenona said to me in a cold and harsh tone. I was so confused, Edakura… could die from that ability? It didn't make sense to me, normally, even masters had the ability to summon portals with relative ease, and yet, if Edakura used it… she'd die. I had nearly lost my own mother figure, the thought of that terrified me more than Xenona, losing another part of my family… again, I would surely snap if that were to happen.

"Then… what does that mean for me…?" I asked, I couldn't have been one too could I? Xenona would walk toward me, motioning for me to hold my arm out, I was confused as to why, but I would follow her instruction, she would take out a small dagger before slowly but carefully cutting it, green blood would leak out of the wound. Xenona would stare at the blood for a while before her eyes suddenly widened.

"You… have the blood of a royal as well…" Xenona whispered to me, shocking me as I stared at her. I didn't really understand what that meant, but I assumed it meant that I was like her; a royal- half royal demon. "That makes you as strong as normal demons then since you're half human too," she added, shaking her head before turning towards Edakura. Edakura would take her blade when Xenona handed it to her, then would make a cut along her skin, I didn't understand why, but as blue blood came from her arm, it was steaming hot. "This is the type of demon I am part of, the very same as Vizas." said Edakura.

My eyes widened at the blood coming forth from her veins, so just like, Vizas, she was a Moon Flame Demon? Remembering her abilities due to having seen them first-hand, I suppose it was to be expected, but it still hit me that my mother was part of that powerful of a race. Suddenly, her staff began to start glowing brightly, and blue flames began to blast out as a figure formed from them, that being the demoness known as Vizas.

Vizas looked down at Edakura before she glared over at me, or Xenona, or the both of us. Whoever it was, she looked very angry and grabbed Xenona by the collar of her dress. "Why didn't you protect her? You could've made a portal here easily!" Vizas yelled at Xenona angrily, the flames growing hotter, and seemed to burn Xenona's clothes a bit. "I don't care what your grudge with me is. She saved your life and you should've returned the favor!"

"That's ironic coming from you considering that you're the one that could just heal her at any time, yet chose not to." said Xenona, looking back at Vizas with a cold expression, sparks flying between them both. "Miss, former right hand woman of Satan. You're not even a high up royal demoness," she spat, enraging Vizas even further.

"ENOUGH!!!" I yelled out in a voice completely filled with demonic energy, my voice sounding very distorted and deeper than usual. I honestly couldn't care less if they were more powerful than me or not, what would bickering like fools solve? Besides… all I cared about… was that Edakura, no… that my mother was safe, and I would die to protect her if I had to.

Vizas looked over at me before sighing softly, patting my head. I scowled at her, only- secretly- liking it when my mother patted my head. "Edakura is going to be okay. She just needs some rest. Something like this won't kill her. She's not weak and you know it," Vizas reassured me, pulling her hand away, looking over at Xenona with narrowed eyes, I looked at Edakura for some form of confirmation of that, and though she looked a bit fatigued, she nodded at me, putting my mind at ease.

Basically, if Edakura were to have never met Vizas, I would've never met her in the first place, I would've truly been alone. "I know she isn't weak but… I'm afraid of losing more people that I care about, I want to protect them, all of them. That's why I'll defend her nonetheless." I said with a determined expression, weak or not, I would still defend Edakura. To me, it wasn't about being weak or strong, it was simply about how much you cared for them, and how much you were willing to risk by protecting them… just like my original mother taught me.

"Defend her from what? She's not hurt. She just needs some time to regain her magic energy. She used too much bringing you to safety," Vizas commented as she raised an eyebrow at me, while I narrowed my eyes at her. I couldn't say if I trusted her or not due to her attacking me so ruthlessly at first, though as long as I knew she was there to protect my mother, I was fine with her.

Looking up at my mother, I found myself drawn to lean on her, Edakura patting my head as we began walking away.

Later, at sunset, I was just sitting in a house Daigen had made for me and Edakura, it wasn't as great as his mansion, but it was close, I brought Edakura here, who was now sleeping in bed, while I sat down, thinking about what just happened. Edakura… was a royal Cambion, just like me, but if they was the case, did she know her father, unlike me, who didn't even know my own? Then there was the fact that she was the same type of demon as Vizas, could that have anything to do with her past? Whatever the case, it seemed awfully coincidental that they were the same type of demon.

Deciding to ponder this more later, I decided I would sleep, there was not much else left to do anyway, and whatever came next, I could save for tomorrow. I began laying my head against the bed, my eyes slowly beginning to flutter before my eyelids slumped down, and my mind drifted into darkness…


It was a bright morning, the sunlight flashing through the village as I lay in bed, scrunching up my eyes from how bright it was, I tried turning around, however, it still managed to leave just a hint of sunlight rays into my eyes. I groaned, this was the pain of having a room with no curtains for your windows, I sat up in bed, expecting to hear the knocking of my dear, beautiful mother, coming in to give me her loving embrace like always.

However, instead I was only met with silence, I was confused, just why wasn't my mother here yet. I smirked, pondering just what my mom could have been doing, maybe she was planning a surprise breakfast toward me, so I sat in my bed waiting for mom's surprise. But after a while, I was still met with that same, deafening silence, getting more confused, I wondered again why she wasn't here yet.

Just to be sure about where she was, I began to walk out of bed, opening the door into the kitchen, then the next door into the living room, however, what I had encountered next, was the day I had been scarred for life. There was my mom, standing at the doorway, talking to what seemed to be two individuals. From their insignia on their coats, I could already recognize they were from Hellzone Corps, demon slayers, the group that's trying to make me their slave.

Suddenly, my mother began to sound angry and the next thing I knew, the worst happened, the demon slayer took out the large sword strapped to their back, and had suddenly plunged it through my mother's chest mercilessly, a vile grin forming on their face when they did. Emotions began to swell up inside of me, negative ones as I watched the only family I had get murdered by the people I hated most. Rage began to well up within me, and the green flames forming around my body began to become a deep purple, the demon slayers looked on in fear at me, and when I looked up at them, my eyes began to turn purple, I had only said one word to them after that

"Die…" and in speed faster than I can tell, I ran at them, only being surrounded in total darkness when I got close to them, only hearing their screaming after that…

Back in reality...

I woke up with a violent start, nearly ready to scream my head off… that dream again, ever since my mother died, that dream had showed up once in awhile, I hated it, watching my mother die, being engulfed by so much rage, it felt like my mind had been thrown into the depths. I was about to get up, about to go check on Edakura, however, for some reason, I wasn't able to get up, turning around in bed, I looked to see Edakura herself, laying with me in bed, hugging me tightly. She… couldn't have heard me while I was dreaming, could she?

Out of impulse, I found myself hugging her back, not letting go as tears came down my eyes, my mother was gone… but atleast… I had a new one. I wasn't sure if it was unconscious or not, but the feeling of her hand stroking my hair lulled me back to sleep.