The Rescue

I wake up in a dark window less room. My body is numb as if I have been taking an ice bath for a few hours. A door squeaks open as the rotting flesh smell hits me like a wave.

"Lookie; lookie. What do we have here? Oh, I know exactly what we have. A Hydra agent who believes she can get away with anything. Too bad she doesn't seem to understand the situation at hand."

I growl at the foul smelling man in front of me as he spoke. My eyes change as I force his body onto the ceiling. "I am not the enemy here. I had only worked for Hydra because I had no other choice, unlike you. You do this because you like the idea of chaos and destruction in the world." I growl even louder than before.

He continues to call me the monster and bad guy. "You are an abomination to this world. All you do is cause more damage than actually help. We know all about your missions that you have done. You can't say that you are not the enemy when you have killed so many innocent people."

He doesn't seem to know when to stop, does he? I force his body to drop harshly as I explain the wrong information he is giving. "I am not the one who told Nick Fury that New York was going to get nuked. Sure, the Avengers couldn't save everyone, and there was a mess to be cleaned up."

At least they weren't going to destroy an entire state because of an alien invasion. Let's not forget Sokovia. The Avengers did everything they could to save the country and the people there."

He hits me before walking back out the door. I try to get out of my restraints. Why can't I get out. What is this rope made of? Why do my wrists burn every single time they make contact with my skin?

I lost track of time quickly due to no sense of time in this stupid room. The visits from Ross become less and less.

My vision blacks out as I get another vision. A blue, red, and white disc is flying towards Steve's head. He stops it barely as the force of the throw pushes his body back. I could see a metal arm had thrown the disc.

Suddenly a commotion could be heard from above. The sounds brings me back from the vision. I say about five floors above ground. It gets louder as the noises gets closer.

Ross freaks out as the door comes crashing down. I am not sure as to when Ross came back into the room.

Cold metal pressed against my head as the Avengers waltzes right into the room. "Hi, guys. You mind helping me. I have never been shot in the head. I really don't want to know what happens," The newfound breeze takes the gun out of his hand.

He wraps his hand around my throat. I finally find a loose end of the rope and pull it off. I don't care about the burning of my fingers. I grab his arm and take a giant bite out of his hand. He screams and rips his hand out. I spit the chunk of meat and bones out.

I quickly teleport us, minus Ross, back to the compound. I look everyone over for injuries that need to be healed.

All of them watch me for any sign of an anxiety/panic attack or some form of torture. Wanda tries to read my mind, but I block her from doing so.

"Juliet? Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Steve worries. I don't stay in the room long enough to answer his question.

Why does this always happen? How did he find out about my time with Hydra? Why badger me over the things that I was forced to do?

I sit on my bed curled up in a ball. As I cry, the events leading up to my rescue plays over and over in my head. Wanda walks in and onto my bed. She pulls me into a hug as I continue to cry. The others slowly walk into the room and watch from a far. The things Ross said to me continues to play in my mind.

"Hey, none of the things you did when you were with Hydra was your fault. You were doing what you thought was best at the time."

You were afraid that if you didn't follow their orders the entire world would die at one time. You saved as many lives as you could. You are the kindest person that I have ever met."

I finally look up at her. My cheeks stained with tears. "Staring at me won't make me feel better, guys. I appreciate you guys making sure I am ok. To answer your question, Steve, he could never do anything worse than what Rumlow had done to me.Could I please be alone for a little while?"

Tony quickly pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "We never did get to thank you for saving us, so thank you, Little Wolf."

By the way, you may technically be a monster, but you sure don't act like one. I never knew there was another Infinity stone. How did you come across it?"

"I have always had it, so I'm not sure where or when I had received the stone." I stare blankly at the blanket on the bed as everyone slowly piled out of my room. I can still feel someone in my room, but the strong smell of metal and gold told me who.

"Is everything alright, Snowflake?" I look up to find him standing in front of my bed.

"Are you really fine or are you just telling us that so we don't annoy you with the question?" He cautiously sits on the edge of the bed.

I crawl over to give him a hug and kiss on the cheek, "I will be fine; I just need some time. I am sorry you had to find out about my parents the way you did."

I hope you know I never blamed you for your actions. I was able to tell you didn't want to kill them."

"It doesn't change the fact that I made you an orphan at such a young age."

"It doesn't matter to me. It could never change the way I feel about you or Steve. I know this is different from the way things were back in the forties, but how would you like to go on a date with me? I could ask Steve to join us."

Steve pops his head in, "We would love to. I think it would be great for us all. How does tonight at seven sound?"

"I think that is a lovely idea Steve, don't you Bucky?"he just smiles at us both. "I guess you two are planning the date, huh?"

Bucky kisses my forehead before he walks out. I smile at the sweet gesture. I lose sight of my surroundings as another vision takes over my mind. It is different from the others.

My screams are ringing out and echoing in the room. I am hooked up to some kind of machine. Electricity surging through my brain and throughout my body. I proceed to scream out in excruciating pain.

All I can focus on is the metal surrounding me. Just before I hear myself say "Who was the man on the bridge? I knew him." I feel a hard slap to my cheek.

I snap out of it only to find myself floating in the air. Everyone comes running right back into the room. I only look at Bucky as I realize what the vision was. "I am so sorry for the pain they had put you through."

He stares at me in bewilderment by my statement. I slowly come down and softly land on my feet.
