The Wishful Dream

My body screams and aches. Every move my body makes is like fire coursing through the various veins that lie inside. Looking around I was in my childhood room. I stand up on shaky legs.

My body fights back as I teleport to the compound. "Tony, please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt Steve. You have to believe me. I promise to let you try to help me."

I weave my way through the building to the sound of people talking. "What in the world happened here?"

Everyone turns toward me with looks of surprise glued to their faces. Steve rushes forward to me lifting me off the ground in a hug. "Juliet, you're alive."

"I don't understand what is going on, but ok then. Steve, I am truly sorry for hurting you." I look around. Where is everyone? 

"I don't recall you ever hurting me."

"What happened to you, guys? I was only gone for an hour maybe a few." My eyes fall on Clint's arm. "When did you get a tattoo sleeve, Clint?"

Tony's silhouette falls into my vision. "Hey, Little Wolf. You've been gone for a lot longer than a few hours. Seven years actually. You left right before we needed you the most."

"What are you talking about, Tony?"

"Juliet, everyone turned to dust. An alien named, Thanos, snapped his fingers making everyone we know and love is gone." Natasha watches my face fall immediately.

I stand numb from all the new information. That was only a dream, or maybe it was really a vision. I don't want to be in this room anymore. I lose control over my legs only for a set of arms stopping me.

"Please let me go. Please. Stop all the lies. Snowflake is fine just like everyone else is. They are just on missions. This can't be happening. It just can't. I don't believe you." Tears cascade down my cheeks.

"I know you don't want to believe it, but we will do everything we can to bring them all back. No matter what it takes."

Clint's arms tighten around me a little more. I spin around wrapping my arms around him as well. He finally lets go of me. I wipe my face quickly as I leave the room. 

I pull myself into Bucky's room. I make my way to his bed, but not before slipping into his red Henley shirt inhaling his scent. I stay in his room for awhile still listening to everyone's conversation. 

Silence takes over the compound. Worried, I head to where I last heard them. "What is going on in here?"

Clint appears out of thin air, holding a baseball glove. "Huh, so that is how it feels when I pop in from teleporting."

Clint talks about how it worked. I didn't quite know what was going on. I follow them into another room. Everyone stares at a wall filled with the infinity stones, places, and years. I take deep note on the information. 

"Don't tell me you built a time machine, and it actually works."

"Yeah, it does, Juliet." I move in a corner of the room and watch the scene fall into place before me. "Why can't I go with you? I can help."

"You should stay here, just in case, something goes wrong. Okay, Little Wolf. Please."

"Ok, Tony, I will. But you better come back, I will not hesitate to come after you. I will wait right here for all of you."

"As long as you don't run from your problems anymore, we will be expecting you to be here."

Just like that, they are gone. I walk over to a chair. A strange sound emerges from the center of the room.

"Where is Natasha, Clint?"

I spin on my heels and watch Clint's face. He looks like he wants to cry. I rush over to him and drag him into my arms. "Everyone brought back a stone?"

Tony and Bruce create an iron glove for the stones. What they don't know is that I have one as well. I won't use it unless I am left with no other choice.

Bruce puts the glove on and struggles to stand up. He is finally able to get up off the ground, and he snaps his fingers. A phone vibrate on a table like a thunderstorm. Clint's face lights up causing a smile on my face. Everything is back to the way it is suppose to be.

Scott starts to talk but is cut off by explosions hitting us. I struggle to put a protective field around everyone. I fail to protect all of us from the damage. My body still won't cooperate with me.

Debris lift off those I could put a shield around. I find Steve and Tony. I help pull Steve to his feet. I muster up all the power I can to teleport Steve and Tony outside of this mess.

I continue to struggle moving around the fallen building. I have no idea how my suit is still intact after everything that just happened. I quickly put it on and help as many as I can get out of here. "Is everyone alright?" Where is Clint and Nebula?

Once I receive my answers from the members I could find, we make our way to the new battlefield. Loud claps of thunder can be heard. Mjolnir is flying around in the air. Steve, Tony, and Thor are fighting Thanos, yet they are losing the fight.

Mjolnir goes right into Steve's hand only to be thrown at Thanos. The scene develops into a battle with an army. Weird giant circles fill the sky. Sam's voice travels to my ears.

My Snowflake. Wanda. Sam. They're back. Everyone is back.

As soon as our own army leaves the circles, Clint comes into sight with the glove causing the fight to break loose. Weaving my way around all the dead bodies and those who are still fighting, after stealing a weapon I reach the alien.

"You should have never left your planet." 

"And you little one should go home to your family," he taunts.

My body shrinks to the size of a wolf. I growl and jump onto him. He throws me off slamming me into the ground. Giving Clint or whoever has the glove some time, I jump back up clamping down on his arm.

Whimpers ring out after he throws my form onto a sword of a dead member of his army. He leaves me to go after the glove. A sharp pain burns my side from the sword. Finally standing up after I turn back into my mostly human body, I yank the weapon out.

Tony steals the stones away from Thanos. My body screams from the overload of emotions and pain of everyone around. Tony's pain is the worst of them all. I fall to my knees while I try to ease his suffering as much as I possibly can. 

The stone hidden around my neck under the suit burns brightly against my skin. Forced to watch Tony fall, I fight relentlessly with my body. The army and Thanos turn to dust. Tony did it. He stopped Thanos.

My chest aches except it isn't mine. I make my way quickly to him pushing away everyone in the way from getting to him. I rip the glove from his arm and place it on my lap. I wrap him into a hug and heal him.

"You can't leave yet. You still have many things left to do, Tony."

"Little Wolf, I was ready to lose my life as long as everyone else gets to live theirs."

"No, I can't lose you too. I lost enough people in my life." I pull away with tears streaming down my face.

I look down at the stones and vanish from view. I reach my destination. Asgard lies in front of me. I carry myself into where I needed to return the stone. Next stop is New York.

I return only two stones since this year appears to already have the space stone. Think where else would they have gotten the stone? The forties. I quickly find where the stone belongs.

Onto the next place, I return the stone back into the room. Loud singing distracts me from placing the stone back in the right spot. I rush quickly setting it down. I teleport to the next realm.

I am greeted by Red Skull in a hood. "I have come to return the stone. I also want my friend the stone took."

"That will not happen, Juliet Mae Erskine, daughter of Klaus Erskine and Olivia Stark-Erskine. The stone will not return what it takes."

I growl stepping closer to him. "I don't think you understand the situation. The stone will give me my friend back, even if I have to use a hidden infinity stone."

"You are lying there are only six stones."

"The stone was hidden, so evil could not get a hold of it." I walk away from him and over the edge of the cliff. I toss the soul stone back to its original place. Natasha fall from the sky landing directly on top of me.

"Juliet, what just happened?"

"We won. It's finally over. We can go home now." I hug her as I teleport us back to what remains of the compound. Black takes over. 

A child's voice pulls me away from the darkness. I open my eyes to see what appears to be a five year old girl. I smile sweetly to her as she screams, "Daddy, she is awake."

Two sets of foot steps zoom into the room. I look over to the door smiling bigger when Pepper and Tony look back at me. "Hi, how long have I been out cold? And who is this little cutie?"