Ch.5 The past is the past...

Emily's past:

It was almost my birthday in march. I remember that father gave me a tea set that my mother had as a child, father thought it would be nice early birthday present for me since mother had it on her birthday too, And a memory of her. it was almost sunset so I went at the back of house and took a empty teacup and place it my her grave. my cat whiskers, followed me of what I was doing. my mother's stuff were their. her chair was her favorite thing. I sat on it and enjoyed the view. I heard father driving his steamed powered car to the circus. I went back inside and I found father left his ringleader's costume. I thought he hd went to the circus...but he was somewhere else. I made some food for father so he won't feel so hungry after that long drive. father came back 7 minutes before the food was ready. "The next day" it was my birthday and father took me to a workshop that had wonderful toys. father didn't know what I wanted so he let me look around and find something that will be Ace. it kinda looked like a dog's dinner in the shop but it was amazing. A strange man that was 6 foot 3 inches tall, came up to me and said " I can help you look for what your looking for" he gave me the "collywobbles." he had red hair, a black coat with a red shirt with buttons on it, and honey yellow eyes..."my name is Jason Meyer" he says. something was a bit Wonky about him. I nodded and he helped me look for something I was looking for. he taped me on the shoulder. " I found something that you may like very much" he pulled out his hand and there was a music box that had a swan on top of it. I always wanted a music box of my own. I saw something else I wanted but we didn't have enough money to afford it. it was a bunny that was purple and had a little purple bowtie. Jason saw of what I was looking at "do you want that bunny?" I nodded"yes I do but father doesn't have the money to afford it" he took the bunny off the shelf."here you can take for free..." I didn't know what to do. I can't just nicked it and walk away like rubbish! I shake my head."No it's fine I'll just take the music box for now!" Jason looked bloody gutted "please just take it! I don't mind!" I took the purple bunny off the shelf, and waved goodbye. I was pretty gobsmacked how Jason wanted me to have the bunny so bad once I said my father didn't have enough money. he was very nice and I very much liked that. when we were by the circus tent, father let me have fun for bit. I walked to the entrance but before I got inside I got shot from behind my back. it was an unknown person I didn't know. the cops found my body and went to my father's house. I saw him rush by the circus tent and saw my dead body on the floor. father was bloody gutted and yelled so loud. that's when I saw myself in different clothing. in a ringmaster's outfit and saw him. my tear drops were bloody and I wanted to go in some else's body so he could find me. by the time I said that to father...he was shot by the same person I got shot by. father died inside and I died outside...