
Revelation and Explanations

[New Skill Learned]

[Transmuter Class]

[Rock Coating]

[New Skill Learned]

[Transmuter Class]

[Rock Transmutation]

"Are you guys okay!?" Elric ignored the messages that rang and popped up as he asked to see if his friends were injured in any way.

They seemed alright, aside from the fact that they were in disbelief of what Elric has shown.

"E—Elric, what just h—happened!? H—how did you—What is going on!?" Klein stuttered.

He tried to ask Elric what had happened but just couldn't understand the whole situation.

"Shhhh!! Keep your voice down Klein. I can explain all this, I swear." Elric said as he lowered his arm to slide off the hideous green looking monster.

[Race: Goblin]

[Job:N/A][Age: Unknown]

[Status: Deceased]


Strength – 2

Agility – 4

Vitality – 3

Dexterity – 2


Intelligence – 2

Wisdom – 1

Charisma – 0

Sense – 3

[Enliven Assimilation Complete]

Another message that popped up once the creature started to exude the Enliven out of its body and was absorbed quickly by Elric.

"Elric, are you a Transmuter just like us? I don't understand. Your eyes… they're still grey and colorless unlike ours which are blue." Alice finally spoke up after being speechless the whole time.

"Okay, why don't we go back up and I'll explain everything. I forgot my scarf anyway and this cave is freezing." Elric proposed.

'If they reacted like that, to me having Transmuter abilities, what more if I tell them I have Caster skills too.' He thought as he guided both his confused friends back up the tunnel.

After a few minutes of silent walking, they reached the small cave where they slept in and settled down around the fire once again.

Elric then explained the events that happened when they parted ways after coming home from the mines.

Choked up from being reminded that the last interaction he had with his grandparents was an argument but continued to his misfortunes inside the forest that led to him being struck by lightning rendering him unconscious for hours.

He explained that by the time he woke up, he felt incredibly different and how he absorbed the Enliven from the dead wild animals.

"You absorbed their Enliven!? Is that even possible!?" Klein protested when he heard the most absurd statement that came from his friend.

While they were told by their parents, about the existence of Enliven and that every living being has this great force inside them which enabled them to have skills and abilities, the education inside the village was close to non-existent.

Other than the fact that they were taught inside their own homes, they were oblivious to deeper knowledge regarding information they had no use for in everyday life.

"Yes, It's true. I have no reason to lie about this. You both saw how I absorbed the Enliven from that ugly creature that I killed, right?" Elric explained.

"We didn't see anything, Elric." Alice confirmed Elric's thoughts.

He wondered why they didn't mention it earlier and only assumed that they were waiting for him to bring it up.

"Well, it's true. I mean, how could I even smash the cave wall if it weren't for all the Enliven I absorbed that increased my strength." Elric tried to reason out and try to convince them to accept the truth.

"Hmmmm… You're right about that, it's near impossible for a Classless person to exhibit that kind of strength. Not to mention, a twelve-year-old boy at that." Alice agreed but Klein was still silent with occasional nods to agree on some of the 'easier-to-swallow' information.

He continued his stories and told them that the absorption of all the Enliven, including the giant bear that he encountered, made him feel stronger, faster and heightened his senses.

However, Elric could not disclose the fact that he was now a 'High Human' and that his Vitality or his life force increased by leaps and bounds which no one has ever heard of. Well, not in the village anyway.

Elric pondered if he should tell them about his other abilities and after careful thought, he decided to place his trust on the people he considered the most important people in his life.

"I think the reason why the explosion happened was because of my other skill." Carefully explaining his next words to lessen the confusion as much as possible.

"Which is?" Alice asked in anticipation.

"Spit it out Elric! With all the things that you've said, I doubt anything can shock me anymore." Klein said as he demanded the information.

"It appears that I was the one who caused the explosion and shot out the lightning that killed the wild beasts… but before you protest, I already tested it out."

Leaving both of his friends shocked once again, he stood up and picked up his scarf to wear it around his neck.

He waited for their reactions as he walked around the small space that they were in.

"So, you're telling us, that not only are you able to have abilities that a Transmuter has, you also have the skills that only Casters are capable of?" Alice finally spoke, after minutes of empty silence filled with Elric's anxious footsteps.

"And you were able to combine the absorption abilities of a Transmuter and shoot it out like a Caster!? Do you realize how crazy this all sounds Elric?" She continued to analyze the information that Elric had given them in his story.

"I can try and show you proof if you don't believe me." He offered.

"Alright, show us then." Klein doubted that his friend would lie but he was still skeptical about the things that seemed a bit too extreme.

"I'm telling you the truth, Okay? I can try and do it but I never actually had the chance to do it again so please, give me time to concentrate." He requested as he positioned himself firmly on the ground.

He lifted and pointed his hand in front of him, aiming for the cave walls.

"Can you please, move behind me? For uhm… safety." Elric asked since the last time he shot something out of his hand, it decimated the target.

The two reluctantly followed his instructions and dragged their feet behind Elric.

"Okay, here we go. Hoooooooo!" He exhaled and inhaled deeply as he concentrated with his eyes closed. He imagined that electricity was going to shoot out from his hands but for the next few seconds, nothing happened.

"Nothing is happening, Elric." Klein stated the obvious which annoyed Elric.

"Shut up Klein! Let him concentrate and let him do his thing." Klein quickly went quiet from Alice's scolding that Elric found amusing, letting out a smirk.

"Just go do your thing." Klein scoffed at Elric. Teasing him by imitating Alice's voice.

"Alright! Both of you be quiet and let me think. I need to concentrate for this to work." Elric went deep into thought and tried to remember the same feeling that he felt when he first did it.

'I could really feel the electricity from my body that time but now… wait, why do I keep thinking about that word 'electricity' anyway? What does it even mean?' He lost his train of thought for a moment but he kept concentrating.

'Maybe that's it. There's no electricity in my body right now so when I think about letting it out. Nothing happens. So what about…' and as soon as he changed his thought process, he felt something leaving his body and shoot out from his hand.


A loud noise echoed around their small cave as a wave of energy from Elric's hand made impact on the cave walls, leaving cracks that looked like spider webs as wide as a well hole.

"WO—WOHAHA!" Elric laughed in amazement at his success.

[New Skill Learned]


[Energy Propulsion]

"Did you guys see that!?" Elric boasted his newfound skill with a bright smile on his face. He turned around with excitement in his eyes only to see his two friends with their eyes closed and their hands covering their ears.

"We definitely heard it alright." Klein groaned as he slowly puts his hands down.

"I told you I wasn't lying!" Elric jumped around from his excitement.

"But you said that you were going to shoot out lightning." Alice questioned. Disappointed from the result, although quiet successful.

"Good question Alice." He said making eye contact with her and smiled softly, making the girl blush and avoid eye contact.

"The reason why nothing happened at first was that I was thinking of shooting out lightning which failed because there's no lightning left inside my body. However, when I thought about shooting out just pure energy, in this case, Enliven which we all have… well, you see the results." Elric explained as he pointed to the wall that was badly damaged.