

"I know what to do next. I have a plan, It may be dangerous but it's a risk we would have to take." He warned.

"I remember seeing some spare armor and training weapons lying around the storage room where they kept all the pickaxes for the Classless back at the mines." Elric hinted at his plan.

Klein understood what Elric meant from his explanation and deduced his friends' next plan.

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking Elric? Are you serious? It would be over for us if we get caught." Klein argued his point.

"I know that it's really risky but we need that equipment, Klein. Think about it, we're basically defenseless. It's not like our enemies are going to wait for us to get stronger."

"It won't be long until we receive serious injuries and fatal wounds. I don't want to regret something we could have prepared for so we need to become stronger to defend ourselves and each other better."

He tried to convince his friend.

"Alright, I know you'll mess up anyway if we're not there with you." Klein sighed in agreement.

"Are you sure we can help you, Elric? We don't want to drag you down and be a liability." Alice calmly asked.

"Of course Alice, I wouldn't be able to do it without you guys having my back."

Elric then stood up and handed them each of the two rabbits he cooked by the fire.

The two injured Transmuters were hungry beyond disbelief as they quickly chomped down at the rabbit meat which was skillfully handled by Elric's cooking skills.

They both enjoyed their meals and offered Elric a bite who was just enjoying watching them eat.

"It's okay, I already ate some berries when I went foraging earlier." He declined the offer.

"You sound like my mom. Haha" Klein laughed as Elric resembled a mother who was rejecting food so the children can eat more.

Elric just smiled as the hour went deeper into the night as both Klein and Alice finished their meals and drifted to sleep.

He then stood up and crouched out of the cave. His eyes wandered at the starry night sky with the wind howling and owls hooting.

'I have to become stronger. Stronger than anyone to protect them.' That was what Elric thought with clenched fists to his side and determination in his eyes.

He walked into the forest to find a safe place not too deep in the woods and not too far away from their cave.

Elric began to close his eyes with both feet planted on the ground. He lifted his arm and pointed his hand towards him like earlier. Concentrating on doing what he had failed to do earlier.

[Caster Skill Activated]

[Energy Propulsion]

[Caster Skill Activated]

[Energy Propulsion]

[Caster Skill Activated]

[Energy Propulsion]

Messages started to ring inside his head as he shot multiple energy waves from his hand that damaged the trees as soon as it hit.

It took him five or six shots to blast through the thick wood. Moving from tree to tree, he practiced for hours.

Repeating this action over and over again until morning came and the sun rose from the east and shone a light on the hard-working Elric.

However, Elric did not stop until he suddenly felt a pain that started from his eyes that turned into a sharp piercing feeling at the back of his head.

"Elric! Elric are you there!?"Alice was heard calling Elric in the distance trying to find him.

But his view started to spin and became blurry as he suddenly collapsed and fainted in the woods.


"Elric! Elric! Are you okay!? Stay here, I'll go get Klein." Alice panted towards unconscious Elric as she heard his body fall to the ground.

After merely seconds, Klein came rushing to his friend but was stopped dead in his tracks as he got a clear view of Elric's surrounding area.

Countless trees that were destroyed and were on the ground with badly damaged trunks almost like it was all chopped down using an axe.

"Did he do all of this?" Klein asked Alice as he pointed out where Elric fainted in the center.

"I didn't notice, I was too panicked and quickly came to get you but it seems like he did." She said.

"Let's take him back to the cave first and ask him when he wakes up."

They both lifted him up and onto Klein's back.

After returning to the cave, they laid him down on the ground. But as soon as he was carefully placed down Elric opened his eyes slowly.

"Elric! Are you okay?" Alice quickly asked as she hovered over Elric's face with hers making them both blush from Alice's sudden bold action.

She quickly pulled back with her face turning red.

"Ehem! Anyway, what did you do out there? Did you do all that in one night?" Klein cleared his throat and asked questions to change the sudden shift in the atmosphere.

"Yes, I was training my skill until I felt like my head was splitting open. Though, I do feel fine now." Elric groaned from exhaustion.

"Don't push yourself too hard. You can rely on us more. We're willing to do anything to help. So don't shoulder everything and leave some for us." Klein urged him.

"Go get some rest, We'll both go out and find some food for us today. It's our turn to take care of you today." Alice stood up and placed a hand on Klein's shoulder.

They both went out as Elric fell asleep.

Woken up hours later by the two who returned looking defeated.

They were only able to gather firewood and a handful of mixed berries.

"Are you feeling better?" Asked Alice.

"Yes, I feel better, now that I got some rest." He replied but noticed their expressions and the items that they brought back.

"I think some of these are poisonous." Elric said as he picked and tossed the inedible ones to the side.

"Cheer up! I can teach you both how to hunt and forage once we get the equipment that we need since we have to go deeper inside the woods so we need to be protected at the least." Elric announced. Putting a smile on Klein and Alice's face.

"When do we do it Elric?" Klein asked in a tone that seemed more enthusiastic.


"What!? Are you sure?" Klein was worried.

"Yes, I thought that we need to have that equipment as soon as possible. We can only move forward if we can take them."

"We're going to use the cover of the night then?" Alice asked curiously.


After all of them have agreed to go back to the mines and steel the equipment.

They readied themselves as much as they could.

They also agreed that if they were to be discovered, they will abandon their objective and run away.

As the night came, the trio was already running along the foot of the mountain and straight to the mines, which was two hours of walking distance.

Once the barracks were in view, they all came to a halt and proceeded cautiously. Elric had already described where the equipment was to both Alice and Klein since they haven't been there before.

The storage area where they keep all the pickaxes that the Classless used was behind the tent where they were inspected the people before and after leaving the mines.

They snuck in easily past the soldiers who were guarding the mine entrance and slowly crept their way into the storage room.

It was dark and was only illuminated by the moonlight peaking through the clouds.

Fortunately, the equipment Elric saw back then was still in the same spot.

It was some patches of leather armor and pouches with a single dull sword.

'There were more swords and armor here if I remember correctly. Someone must have taken the rest.' Elric was disappointed at the unexpected turn of events but he was determined.

"I think the rest are kept somewhere else." Elric whispered at the two who were already prepared to leave.
