
The silver haired guy panicked a bit. Was she here to save him or provoke the crowd even more? Since the girl was holding his slender hand, she understood that the guy was getting more nervous.

"Furthermore, from what angle does he look like Mo Yifan? Last time he released the album was three months ago. He has been promoting with blonde hair for his album, and he did not have any piercings. His last concert was last night in Shanghai. Do you think, such a busy person, who was busy yesterday, has a magazine shoot tomorrow, but not here, will fly all the way here? What for? Do you think he has this much time to bleach his hair and then roam around the streets thousands of miles away?" she finished her sole argument, convincing half the crowd that the guy in front of them was not Mo Yifan.

"Plus, have you seen him without his manager anywhere? Ever? He is such a famous personality, do you think he would be stupid enough to come out without proper measures? Such ridiculousness," she gave her final blow.

Seeing themselves backed into a corner, the fangirls at the front started accusing the girl herself.

"How do you know his schedule so thoroughly? Are you a stalker?" the girls raised the question to instigate the other people in the crowd who had been thoroughly convinced.

"What about you? Are you so desperate that you would deem a random person as your idol and insist that he is some other person? Or...," she paused and raised her chin confidently, a mocking smile floated on her face.

"Or, are you not even fan enough that you cannot tell who is your idol and who is not?"

Waah! Now that it had come to their poor judgement about their own idol, the girls slowly backed off. This girl was correct. If this handsome guy happened to be some random stranger and not Mo Yifan, what reputation would they have as his fan? Then, they could not even post the pictures they took anywhere.

Because, per the schedule release by Mo Yifan's company, he was supposed to be in China today. He had a company party to attend on Christmas eve and then he had work the next day in China. It did not make sense for him to fly this far away. The girl was right.

"Honey, are you alright?" she asked the guy affectionately in perfect Chinese, as if she really was his girlfriend. The guy in front of her was smart enough, so he played along and nodded, pinching her cheek with love.

The silky smooth skin left the silver haired guy wanting for more. He had an excuse, so he pinched her nose this time. "Thank you honey," he answered.

"Let's go from here, we are perhaps truly wasting time. This girl is right, we are probably mistaken," another girl tried to convince this girl who had recognized the guy first. She did not want to back off but had no choice.

"Oh yeah, please do delete the pictures that you guys just took. I know your country's laws take privacy too seriously. It would be a problem if we had to file a lawsuit in case any of the pictures leaked," the girl nestled her way into the guy's embrace naturally, as if they had been in love for so many years.

The faces of remaining girls' that were present darkened. Who did this foreigner think she was? She dared them insult in their own country? But this girl also looked someone crazy, so it was better to stay away from her.

The fangirls finally left after a crushing defeat.

"Honey, let's walk over there. I see a few black cars around, I am afraid some press people might have come. Let's go?" she naturally dragged the guy towards a secluded building out of the bar street. Since she was talking in Chinese right now, no one could understand them, but one couldn't be more careful.

Two people made their way on the snowy street. The guy was enjoying the warmth of the girl who had managed to stick herself to his arm. They walked slowly, laughing and chatting about random topics, just in case someone from that group followed them. It was a harmonious picture, something that would not go from the guy's mind for a very long time.

After they reached their destination, the girl flicked the guy's hand away. The guy was surprised by the sudden change in the girl but he did not say anything. Earlier, was a transaction basically. She must need something in return.

"Thank you for saving me," the guy took out a plastic card from his pocket. It was a currency card, loaded with $100k in it.

"I don't understand what a celebrity was doing at such a busy street without his manager. But it is not my business anyway. See there, your manager is frantically looking for you," she pointed towards a man in black suit looking here and there, in a nervous state. She did not even acknowledge the card the guy was extending towards her.

The guy awkwardly retreated his hand. Guess the girl was not interested in taking any money. Wait, did she say celebrity and she recognized his manager too?

"You… you knew I was the actual Mo Yifan?"