
They arrived at the location where the filming was supposed to happen. It was a vast open space which looked like an abandoned lot. The patch where the filming crew was gathered had been cleared of the tall grass that was abundant around.

There were many vans with tinted windows parked around.

It was the first time Chen Waan had seen a filming location like this, so she was kind of amazed and kind of excited. But she still remained the aloof self. Her eyes were giving it away though. Wang Zibo chuckled to himself seeing her like this.

It would have taken the crew quite some time to arrange everything, right? They were almost ready to film, all the gear was in its place, extras were in their place and it looked like the games had been set as well.

The temperatures were freezing but Chen Waan observed that a few of the actors and actresses were standing there in just a sweater, their teeth chattering. Were they supposed to play games in such cold in such scamp clothes?

Wang Zibo understood what was going through her mind. "This is the hard life of an entertainer. No matter what the conditions, they have to pull through it."

"This is insane!" she exclaimed. She had not even started working as an artist yet, but she was already seeing the hardships. She never signed up for this!

"It's okay, you will get used to it," he handed over the warm winter coat of Mo Yifan to her and put their other stuff on the table. He had two big thermally insulated boxes in his hands.

"Hey guys, I brought you all coffee," he shouted and everyone gathered around them, praising Mo Yifan as very caring towards his co-workers.

"Yo Wang Zibo, who is this cute girl with you? Did you bring your girlfriend on the set?" the director of the show teased him. Everyone saw that the girl looked like a foreigner, but her eyes were still pretty cute and lively. Thankfully, everyone had put on masks, so no one could recognize Chen Waan.

"Hey, don't make up stuff by yourself, okay? She is Chen Waan, she is training under me to become a manager of one of our artists," he explained. She bowed politely to everyone and greeted.

Everyone 'tsked' for they really wanted some gossip to wake them up so early in the morning. Plus, this Wang Zibo, although quite famous as Mo Yifan's manager never had a scandal. Of course, not many people knew he was Wang Zenghao's son.

No one made the connection because if Wang Zenghao wanted to employ his son, would he not make him vice president or something rather than just a manager. Wang was a very common surname as well.

"Alright, everyone. Take your coffees and let's get to filming alright. The weather will become warmer during the day, so let's endure a bit, okay?" the director broke the crowd and instructed everyone.

Chen Waan and Wang Zibo were going to monitor the show from behind. Mo Yifan went ahead towards the cast which included two rookie male actors, one established female actress and two rookie idol singers.

The females on the set looked very excited since Mo Yifan had entered the scene. The two idol singers even squealed; it was there first time to see their industry senior up close.

Everyone greeted each other and talked casually.

"We are still waiting for our special guest, she is arriving soon," the director informed everyone using megaphone.

Since it was waiting time anyway, the two idol girls Su Ming Ming and Su Miao Miao approached Mo Yifan shyly.

"Se-senior, we are the Su twins who have just debuted as a duo, Cotton Candy. Please take care of us," they greeted him nervously. Belonging to the same stream of the industry, it was especially important for juniors to greet their seniors. And it would be better if the juniors could catch the eyes of seniors.

Senior artists could really boost a junior's image even if they were not involved in negative stuff like sponsorship or favors. And if they could get into good books of a big star like Mo Yifan, then that would be the best.

Mo Yifan glanced at the two girls who looked like twins, not much younger than him, may be like fifteen years of age? They were definitely not identical twins though. Wait a minute, a duo? Wasn't that what his boss wanted to make? Was his plan leaked or something?

He did not pay much attention to the girls and just flashed an empty but brilliant smile to them, making them feel that he really cared. Kids were naïve after all.

But he could not help but steal a glance at the girl sitting far away, near their van, talking to Wang Zibo and not looking at him at all. Wasn't she supposed to be training to be his manager? Should she not be monitoring him at this time?

On the other side, Chen Waan was taking tips from Wang Zibo, unaware of the daggers she was receiving from a certain someone.

"And that is called light reflectors. Oh, by the way, I always maintain this diary for his schedule. You can go through it when you are free," Wang Zibo explained the filmmaking gear to Chen Waan and then handed her the small notebook in his hand.

"Oh wow, this is quite detailed. It even lists his co-workers for each gig," she flipped through the pages and was surprised how detail oriented this guy was.

The diary had a calendar by half hour for each day. He had meticulously written every schedule of Mo Yifan in there. There were sticky notes sticking out of the diary. There were also notes on where he did good and where he could improve. Being a manager suddenly seemed more daunting to her than being the artist.

"You can really read all that?" he asked. He could understand if this girl learnt to speak Mandarin fluently, which was no easy feat by the way. But she could read Hanzi? That was just ridiculous!

"Yeah? I did tell you I am fluent in Mandarin, although I do not have much idea about dialects. I think I would struggle with different regions," she replied honestly. He was almost her boss and employer so she had to make him wary of her weaknesses.

"Okay, we will work on that's slowly," he took out another diary with her name written on it and noted down whatever she had just told him.

A small chuckle came out of Chen Waan when she looked at the diary very similar to the one in her own hands.

"Our special guest is here," the director, Director Sun, announced. A beautiful foreigner came out of the newly parked RV at the side.

The long legs of the girl and blue eyes, as beautiful as a marble, no one could take her eyes off the girl. Her long ash gray locks had been curled up to give her an English princess feel. Although she was sporting normal jeans and sweater, the air about her was different from anyone here. She looked elegant and talented, and was definitely older than any of the contestants present.

That did not reduce the enthusiasm among the crowd though. She scanned around the room and her gaze settled on the most handsome man in the room. She walked straight to Mo Yifan who was about as tall as her.

"Comment allez-vous?" she directly asked him in a chirpy voice, her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What did she say?" Wang Zibo had gotten up from his seat for preparing to save Mo Yifan, in case someone attacked him.

"She asked him how he is doing in French," she whispered to Wang Zibo who backed out after hearing the explanation.