
"I won't take much time. Please have a seat here," Chen Waan invited Tuo Tuo inside her room. She was afraid of waking up other two, although they had said that the rooms here were soundproof. She still could not get used to the luxury.

She actually was enraged inside, Tuo Tuo had stepped her boundary. WhirlWind's princess? She had not even showed her face to anyone and yet people were already gossiping behind her back? She would need to fight internal demons first before making it to the outside?

Why were people so jealous all the time? Were they afraid that she would surpass them just because she had an easier entry to the company? But in actuality, she did not. It was definitely luck that she stumbled upon him that night. But it was not easy for her after that at all. Who did they think they were slandering, and for what?

She glanced at Tuo Tuo with her cold eyes. This short plump lady must be in mid twenties. But she had flawless skin and her face was quite cute too. Was this girl preparing to debut but could not because she was short and stout? Probably why this lady had extra hatred for her.

There was no use in speculation. Chen Waan went into the washroom and emerged freshened up in ten minutes. Thankfully, she had taken a bath last night. "Let's go."

'This fast? I was going to reprimand her if she was going to take ten more minutes. Tsk.' Tuo Tuo was not very happy. She had wanted to teach this girl a lesson on behalf of every artist and employee of WhirlWind. It was something everyone had entrusted her as well.

But if this girl was going to be this diligent, then there was no way to trap her. But again, there were going to be many opportunities to do something like this. This girl's background was totally devoid of entertainment world after all. Without her help, would she be able to do anything?

Tuo Tuo smirked at her own thought while Chen Waan waited for the lady to accompany her.

"I heard you are a vegetarian. Our cafeteria does not serve any vegetarian food. Have you packed your meals with you?" Tuo Tuo asked in her high and mighty tone, as if the girl before her was an illiterate fool with no knowledge at all.

"Thank you for your concern assistant Tuo Tuo. I have my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks all packed. After all, I don't get my kind of food outside most of the times," Chen Waan was slowly understanding this lady's game. She will slowly pay her back for all the things that this lady was scheming to do with her.

And she kept Wang Zenghao's advice in mind. She needed someone trustworthy with her all the time. For now, it was definitely not Tuo Tuo. For now, she was on her own.

If she fell into any precarious situations, all she could do was ask for help from Wang family. She was glad that she was going to be in the safe territory which was WhirlWind's own building. At least there she could get attention of Wang Zenghao in case something was going wrong.

The two females headed out, Tuo Tuo opened the gate of the luxurious sedan for the girl. Wasn't she being treated as a celebrity already?

When Wang Zenghao had finally called Tuo Tuo yesterday for an assignment after six months of probation, she was elated. She admitted that losing their last artist to the rival company was her fault. Which was why Wang Zenghao had not assigned her any artist for six months. She had been sitting at home, doing odd jobs for WhirlWind all this while.

She was still drawing her base salary, but she was missing her hefty commissions from the boss for successful gigs for her artists. This was how WhirlWind operated. They would reward the whole staff assigned to a particular artist by giving them a cut from the money earned by the artist. She was not aware of the industry standard practices, but this was the reason it was a dream company for anyone in the entertainment industry.

After losing her last artist because of her foul mouth, she was almost exiled to her home to reflect on her behavior. But it was not her fault, the artist herself was weak and could not take some silly criticism from her. A slight hatred for all these know-it-all weak lotuses had housed in her heart. And now, Chen Waan was going to bear the brunt of it.

She had looked up for the information on Chen Waan but nothing came up. Guess WhirlWind already had taken over her social media accounts. Then she went to the company and started hearing the rumors about this new girl who was hired by Wang Zenghao, the God of entertainment industry, himself.

More than that, it was rumored that she was living with the two most handsome men of the company, Mo Yifan and Wang Zibo. Was she providing night services to the two young men? This was the first thought that crossed not only her mind but all the other employees of the company. How did this girl ever manage to catch the eye of that strict old man then, when she did not even have basics in dancing or singing?

And what was with the luxury sedan to just take her to the company? For other trainees, they had to go for their lessons by themselves, no one would come to fetch them. The dorm itself was three blocks away so that they could walk. But still, wasn't this too much?

Chen Waan seated herself in the back seat. She did not really have much experience of sitting in cars because she never had money to even afford a taxi. The leather seats, with seat warmers, TV in the back and much more space than ordinary car, she had never seen something like this before. She was looking around mesmerized. Tuo Tuo scoffed at the country bumpkin.

'It will be hard to deal with this girl. Even if she has come from Europe, she only seems like an ignorant little fool to me.'

Finally they headed to the company. It was going to be first time she would go there as a trainee. Part of her was excited, but part of her was nervous. If she were to deal with more people like her assistant, it was going to be very exhausting.

Chen Waan closed her eyes, she was going to mentally prepare her for the headaches coming her way soon.