
"Thank you for earlier. It seems after that one day, I am the one who has been getting help from you all the time," Chen Waan spoke in a self-mocking tone.

"If we are to work together, we need to watch each other's back," Mo Yifan replied, his eyes had gone gentle. He had done much self talk after Wang Zenghao threw him in this situation.

Did he have any choice? No. Would it change his perception towards this girl that she might have climbed the bed of someone higher? No. Then what was the use of venting his anger out on this girl? Since they were going to work together in the future anyway, he had to let go his prejudices.

Plus, what person in entertainment industry was not offered something like that anyway? So even if she had taken that route, he did not have to judge her like that, right?

Additionally, she was an exceptional teacher to him. He might as well learn from her. Who knew if she would be able to handle the pressure of the training and really debut with him or not?

Chen Waan's face grew hotter by the second. This guy and his glib tongue. Did that mean that he had really accepted her? Did all her hard work and dedication in his language lessons flip his opinion about her? Then, could she really rely on him?

The last part, she was still not sure about. Of course, as Auntie Zhou had said, he really was a kind soul. To have even helped her during that time, he even carried her without any fear of getting dirty. After all the pondering, she decided to believe in Auntie Zhou's words. They would probably keep their professional distance and have an amicable relationship towards each other.

The two went back after soaking in the spring.

"Hey, hey, hey. My two lovely employees are here. Gosh, you two look so good together. I wish I could take a picture of your two, but I am already drunk, haha." When the two reached the room, they saw a bottle of sake on the table half empty. Half a bottle and he was already drunk? How did he handle the social situations where he had to drink?

"He can't handle his liquor. Sorry for his rude behavior," Mo Yifan explained the situation. This old man, he was just too much, telling something so embarrassing to the two of them like this, it seemed he really needed to change his manager eh? This Wang Zibo was becoming too casual.

"Don't look at me like that. I took a peek at my father's plan for both of you. He is not going to debut you both as a duo, but as a pair of lovers. Oh my God, where does my dad get all these weird ideas, I just don't understand. Oops, did I say something I shouldn't have?" Wang Zibo poured another glass to himself.

The two people who were going to help Wang Zibo take away the alcohol from his table halted in their steps. What was this man saying? Lovers what?

Mo Yifan and Chen Waan looked at each other, measuring each other from top to bottom simultaneously. A loud thunderous laughter echoed in the room, a male and a female voice mixed together sobering up Wang Zibo instantly.

"Oh gosh, brother Zibo, I didn't know you were this funny," Mo Yifan had laughed so much that tears had come out of his eyes. He had probably never heard such a joke in his life. "We shall take away your alcohol, so that you do not spout such non-sense again," his demeanor suddenly changed to his cold self. Just because they were living together, did everyone need to pair them up? Or was there some truth in this man's random confession and Wang Zenghao really had some plans like that.

Nonetheless, from what he had seen around, people usually told truth when under influence of alcohol. And this guy had very low tolerance to begin with. He probably did not make it up. This was something they needed to confirm with Wang Zenghao himself.

Wang Zibo realized he had really babbled something he should not have. Chen Waan's contract did not mention it and Wang Zenghao had deliberately hidden this information for he knew they both would be against it. That's why his plan was to make them stay together and naturally develop feelings for each other. But now that he had made them conscious about it, it was close to impossible to happen. What had he done? He shuddered at the thought of what his dad would do when he would come to know about this.

And now the seed of suspicion had been planted in both their heads, it was impossible for any damage control.

"We will obviously check it with your dad manager Wang, you do not need to be in such a daze. Thank you for letting us know though. If it really is true, it is despicable for him to do this," Chen Waan stepped ahead and cleared the table. She was mad and it showed on her face. With this curt response, she went inside her small room and slept.

"I…," Wang Zibo raised his hand to stop Mo Yifan who was spreading his futon on the floor but could not really say anything. He knew Mo Yifan was as furious as the girl. This was basically a betrayal. He ruined the whole week trip just like that.

The next day, Wang Zibo could not really get up from his bed because of hangover. Moreover, they had to leave at around 4 am for Mo Yifan's make-up was to happen at the site of photoshoot itself. Then, Chen Waan had to take the lead while Wang Zibo would be taking rest at the inn.

In reality, Wang Zibo was too afraid to face the two. He was an old man but he knew how much he had hurt Chen Waan and Mo Yifan because they never expected of any such scheme going on.

More than anything, they were angry about the fact that no one even took their permission or asked for their opinion. So then, was their love supposed to be planned too? That too by their employers? How cruel was that?

In the end, they hired a driver for their car from the inn and Chen Waan got to become Mo Yifan's manager. There was back to back schedule for today and they were not sure when they would reach back or go out sightseeing.

"About yesterday," Chen Waan spoke first. She was sitting with him in the back seat. The two did not utter a word for the longest time but she did not like how it all had become awkward once again. For a change, she had decided to trust this guy a bit, if not fully.

"I think it would be better if we do not think about it unnecessarily. Once we reach back, we will discuss it with boss. Don't worry," Mo Yifan gave her a reassuring smile. Chen Waan looked at him suspiciously but nodded her head. She completely agreed with whatever he had said but she was still not sure what he really was thinking.