
"Miss, a room has been prepared for you. Thank you for your hard work," the butler came in the room. Chen Waan had just tucked Mo Yifan to sleep. Poor guy had puked out everything he had eaten for dinner. If he did not have alcohol tolerance, he should not have had that much alcohol. But he did not have any choice either.

After he had thrown up all the contents out from his stomach, Chen Waan got the restaurant to make some soup to warm his stomach up. He was in a dizzy state still, his face had gone completely pale. Added to it was the fact that he performed in the middle of winters on stage without enough clothes. He was bound to get sick. That manager Wang was useless.

She had to spoon feed Mo Yifan. When the butler came and informed her about the room, she nodded. In the end, she checked his temperature before leaving.