Spied - II

"What is she doing?" Miyu whispered. The three spies were sitting at a square table, directly across Chen Waan, slightly hidden. "She is so adorable right now, I wish I could take pictures."

"Come on Miyu, do not be having fangirl moments all the time. She is just drinking her matcha latte. Guess she finally found something she could have," Wang Zibo replied as he sipped on the americano he had ordered. To be honest, it was actually fun, tailing the girl and enjoying local specialties. After all, apart from work, when did they have a chance to go around like this? Although it was more work, it was pretty relaxing as well.

When did the genre of this story change to 'slice of life', eh?

"This is pointless. Why are we following her when I could be resting at home?" Mo Yifan grumbled as he took a sip from his milkshake as well.