
"Listen, don't worry much about it. This is very normal in our world," Mo Yifan cupped his face with his hand, his arm supporting the weight of his head on the table. His eyes peered into Chen Waan's deeply concerned eyes. While that worry did warm his heart, he had become immune to such criticisms. Or had he?

Chen Waan got up from her seat and stepped forward, towards Mo Yifan. They had been sitting at the dining table at Miyu's home, trying to come up with their next move. Interestingly, it did not feel much different than their own home back in China. After all, this house was modeled exactly the same way as their own.

The girl squinted her eyes and leaned forward, looking straight into Mo Yifan's eyes. He had to crane his neck backwards for he was just startled how this girl had just invaded his personal space and was looming over his face.