
"Ah! I am so excited. I finally get to dance as a back-up dancer for Mo Yifan. And I heard Pang Xiao is collaborating on the stage with him," a trainee was whispering proudly to other members who could only be disappointed that they were not chosen for such a big stage. They gave this particular trainee envious gazes. If only, they had worked harder or hand been in the company longer, they could have gotten this chance too.

"Hmph! But what's the use? There is completely new rookie who is going to be his partner. I saw her dance yesterday, even her normal turn was like a duck walking. And she wants to be swan. Don't know what teacher Kim was thinking," a female trainee remarked from behind. Everyone was now interested to know what was happening. Who was this new rookie? The girl who was chosen by the big boss himself. Obviously she was going to get better treatment.