
"How was it?" Miyu got up from her seat as soon as she saw Wang Zibo enter the room.

Wang Zibo did not even hear her as he reached towards the bed of Mo Yifan with discharge papers in his hands and bowed, "I am sorry Fan Fan, I should not have called her. I thought she would have learnt her lesson after all these years but she was still the same. I did just follow the protocol but I should have been more vigilant."

"She did not change in those fifteen years manager Wang, why did you think she must have changed after not contacting me for two years? For her, only that dead son of hers was the perfect one. That fact will never change," Mo Yifan replied without any restraint. He was really mad at this guy for sure. But again, it was indeed company's policy. He could not do anything regarding it.

"Waan'er, you managed it very well too. No matter what anyone says, I am proud of you and apologetic to you as well," Wang Zibo bowed to her as well.