Small Talked

"You don't seem much happy about it?" Tuo Tuo was curious. She had heard how much this girl had practiced and how she had won the hearts of all the trainees in the group. Those trainees were upset too but it was part of their training, they were used to it. This girl, on the other hand, being a rookie was handling the chucking of her performance much better than other people.

"No, I am actually excited about it. The only thing is, my motivation regarding this dance has gotten lost somewhere. I am not sure if I'll be able to perform as good as I did that day," Chen Waan sighed. She had sat in front seat with Tuo Tuo and was just looking outside the window.

"A-are you sure it is okay to tell me something like this?" Tuo Tuo finally asked. This girl was being too generous with her for some reason. It was unsettling in her mind.