Greeted - II

Su Miao Miao was no better. Since they had found out that a few people came from her fan club too, she was given a seat beside Mo Yifan on the same table. Out of fifty people, about fifteen were her fans. She was very happy knowing that people were willing to still support her.

But she was getting these weird presents herself.

"Miao Miao, we have to take precautions too. When Cotton Candy disbanded, she was there too. And now this happened. I went to the most famous temple in our country to get this charm for you. It will protect you from bad luck. Stay away from that girl," one fan warned her. This person was a male in his 30s but he still believed all this non-sense?

If she were to tell them how she took care of her for the past whole week, would they believe her? Right now, she could just nod, smile and take the presents as presents.