Lost In Translation - I

For the next few days, Mo Yifan kept promoting his album with great records. Wang Zibo was now constantly with him and Chen Waan was not allowed to be his manager anymore. Even their language lessons happened over the phone for Mo Yifan would leave and come back home at completely odd times. It had been almost a week since they saw each other.

Chen Waan was not so bothered, she got close to Bai Yiming and Tuo Tuo in the meantime. However, Mo Yifan missed having her around terribly. He would call her before his performance just to calm his nerves down, or he was just probably using it as an excuse. He was the very famous Mo Yifan after all. Stage did not frighten him.

On a certain day, finally Chen Waan and Mo Yifan had the meeting for the translation and managing assignment for Sun Lian. This time, Sun Lian's manager Zhuang Yao was present as well.