
If Chen Waan had not been an early riser since childhood, everyone would have really gotten late. Chen Waan and Mo Yifan slept at 4 am finally, after having another long life discussion. At the end however, they just drank and sat staring out of the window.

At least, Chen Waan's worst fear did not come true and nothing happened between the two.

Mo Yifan did end up sleeping in her room. In the morning, she woke up at 7 am and almost screamed looking at the time. Mo Yifan awoke startled, thinking that he had done something irreversible to her. The first thing he checked was under his blanket. Damn this girl, scared him out of his wits.

"Mo Yifan, go to your room and get dressed. I should have woken up Senior Sun an hour ago! The way itself is half hour away, what am I supposed to do?" she panicked. All her alarms she snoozed off in her sleep but still did not get up. She was dead.