Evaluated - IV

"I will introduce you to the judges today, Chen Waan," Wang Zibo was also present in the room with four veteran but scary looking judges. Thankfully, there were no other trainees in the room.

One of the four people was Wang Zenghao. He had personally come to evaluate her. She did not need introduction for him but by courtesy, Wang Zibo introduced his own father first.

"Next is Mr. He Liang. He is very famous choreographer and has worked on many famous songs with the most talented artists. He not only has worked with our Chinese artists, he is also on consulting teams for global sensations like Britney Swords, Beyancee, and even worked with famous stars like Michael Jackdad etc." Wang Zibo did not need any prompts for the personality sitting before them. He had already memorized it all because these people had hung out with his dad so many times.