
Mo Yifan had been standing outside since the beginning. He had wanted to go and look at the scripts but he just could not take the tension. He had never felt so nervous for even his own evaluations.

He could not hear much since the rooms here were as soundproof as back home but he had already judged everything from the expression of the two judges who had stormed out of the room. And then there was Wang Zenghao and Wang Zibo. He made an eye contact with the big boss but averted his gaze. He was really angry at the old man. This was no way to push the poor girl. In his rage, he didn't even greet the old man.

"Oh, Fan Fan! What are you doing here?" Zhen Jiong was the only one who stopped to talk to Mo Yifan. How would the young idol have the heart to talk to anyone right now? He eagerly glanced inside the room. Zhen Jiong also turned around to look where the young man was looking at.