Kept The Secret

"I'll go change. If you have any questions, just let me know. We will be leaving for the movie shoot in about two hours after my make-up. Yiyi, can you play obediently with big sister here?" Wu Xueying sat down on her knees and asked Rong Baiyi who was now standing leaning against Chen Waan's legs.

The kid nodded, having calmed down after she got overwhelmed by the lack of friends around her. Wu Xueying left once she confirmed that her kid would be alright.

"Say Yiyi, are you okay now? We didn't do anything to make you burst like that, did we? If you don't like anything, just let me know, alright?" Chen Waan hugged the kid whom she had thought she had done something to. Plus, she felt bad for the kid for some reason.