Asked For A Favor

Chen Waan had not expected that Rong Baiyi would wake up so early. But again, she more often than not followed her mother's schedule. Chen Waan should have taken it into account but completely forgot about it.

Rong Baiyi was lying down on the bed with her one hand supporting her head. A smirk was on her face. Chen Waan could not help but facepalm. Sometimes, this kid acted too much like an adult.

"Don't worry, nothing about you," Chen Waan dismissed Rong Baiyi whose face fell instantly. She had thought she would get some industry gossip but here this elder sister was taking all the fun out. She got up and leaned her body against the bedrest.

"Elder sister, if Fan Fan hears that you were talking to someone so late in the night, he will be mad," she blinked her big eyes innocently and crossed her arms.

"Why do you say that girl? How does it matter to him? I am just his secondary manager, he has no say in my personal life," Chen Waan also crossed her arms.