Suggested - I

Gao Xin Yu came running from afar as her mother called. She bowed to everyone, "Nice to meet you, I am Gao Xin Yu, fourteen years old."

Everyone applauded her on her politeness. The girl confidently approached Rong Baiyi and shook hands with her. "My name is Rong Baiyi, I just turned eleven yesterday," Rong Baiyi smiled as well. Wu Xueying had thought her daughter would stutter but seeing her confident smile, she felt some relief in her heart. Yes, she must be doing it right. These mothers did not know what they were doing.

"Would you like to come play with us?" Gao Xin Yu looked towards the running kids. Rong Baiyi felt conflicted. She looked at her mother but was definitely interested.

"Ah, your skin will be damaged if you play in sunlight too much," Wu Xueying wanted to keep her by the side but her statement earned her weird glances.