Smacked A White Lie

"Next time you do anything like this, can you just inform me? Just think of it from my perspective, I am involved yet I have no idea what is going on," Chen Waan gave up. She was still not sure what to think about it. But at least, this guy was thinking about her more than Wang Zenghao. The boss these days had just become indifferent.

"Alright, that was my mistake. I will take care in the future," Mo Yifan realized that the girl was not mad at him, a giddy feeling enveloped his heart. She understood him without yelling and screaming at each other. She took into account his thoughts and did not impose her own on him. This was in stark contrast with his own mother with whom he had spent fifteen years of his life. He had not been around many females, only his mother and his aunt, but majorly his mother. And he had not known this gentleness in life much.