
"I know it very well. But you, my dear Fan Fan, you might be able to persuade her for that," Wang Zenghao gave an eerie smile as if he just got an idea. Mo Yifan knew today was not going to be a good day. Persuade her for a contract change? Impossible! She would not listen even if God descended on earth and tried to convince her.

"Sorry uncle Wang, I cannot be doing that. If you really need to coerce her, you can use some other means," Mo Yifan's back was suddenly drenched with sweat. This man was too sinister. Why did this old man think Chen Waan listen to him in the first place?

"Oh? You won't do it even if it threatens your career? I don't know how much you heard earlier but she was correct in deducing that I was the one who got that video leaked. I saved your ass then but I still hold the leverage. She would probably give in when she hears this, right?" Wang Zenghao stroked his white French beard. There were too many ideas popping in his head.