Did Not Give In

"Ugh, I feel like throwing up," Chen Waan arrived at the home with Mo Yifan at around 2 am. She did not want to leave seeing all the people still training at the company. However, thinking about Mo Yifan who was waiting for her to finish, she had to stop. She had asked him if it would be alright if Tuo Tuo gave him the ride, but he refused and insisted on waiting for her.

"You should take some rest," Mo Yifan patted her back lightly. Poor girl had been training since early morning, it was going to be almost 24 hours since she started yesterday, without many breaks. And her voice had gone hoarse too since she was only practicing singing and acting after their lunch, even skipping her dinner.

Mo Yifan opened the door and supported the girl inside. She had managed to drive him here on coffee, but since she skipped her dinner, probably the beverage did not sit right with her stomach. No wonder she was clutching it while walking.