
"Ayy sister Lu, is everyone alright at the company?" Feng Jiaan picked up the call at the second ring. She was dying to know if her groupmates were okay or not. Although she was fearful that the worst was yet to come, what she did not expect was the reply.

"Feng Jiaan, if you wanted to take part in a scandal, you should have done it by yourself. Why are you dragging us four in it?" a crisp scolding voice came from the other side of the phone, without a hint of empathy. "I knew from the beginning you were just a horny slut who wanted all attention on herself. You should have just joined the porn industry, would it not have been better? With your curvy figure, you would have attracted enough attention!"

The voice was quite loud, this sister Lu was practically screaming at the phone. Yang Che, who was in the room with her at the moment, heard the ridiculous words being spoken at the girl. He instantly snatched it away and put it near his ear.