Decided - II

Feng Jiaan calmly got up from her chair while Yang Che was still sitting frozen, his mind had completely gone blank. He had not thought they would ask them something like this. Feng Jiaan leaned over Yang Che, tucking her hair behind her ear. Then she slowly raised her hand.

"F-Feng Jiaan, you don't have to bow into this. That guy, we will make sure to weed him out," Yang Che flailed his arms but seeing that her eyes were fixed somewhere else, it seemed like she was not listening. Was she in one of her roles right now?

In an unscrupulous move, she pulled on his tie and looked straight in his eyes before placing a kiss on his lips. For a few good seconds, Yang Che could not understand what was happening. However, the cameras started flashing and videos rolling. People even got up from their seats to click the picture from the side since right now, Feng Jiaan was blocking the view.