
Yang Che placed himself comfortably on the sofa. He had been waiting for the moment. He had not explicitly expressed his desire to date this girl. But again, just because she saved him from despair didn't mean she was obligated to go out with him. And vice versa was also true. Just because he has saved her from a nasty situation, didn't mean she had to pay him with her body.

"You can speak your mind Feng Jiaan. Whatever your decision is, I am willing to follow," the guy had spread his body slightly to show he was relaxed but he could not help but fidget in nervousness. His right leg could not stop shaking and he fiddled with his phone in his left hand.

"Even if it means that you'll have to painfully go through the pretense of dating without actually dating?" Feng Jiaan propped her head against her hand, her big beautiful eyes open wide. This guy, wasn't he too confident in himself?