Gossiped - 1

A lively drinking session ensued. At some point, the girls had driven away the males to the adjacent room on the pretense of doing girls talk. The men had happily obliged for the two guys from Whirlwind already knew about Chen Waan's reason for organizing this. And Yang Che wanted his girl to destress. They did go to the other room but secretly arranged to hear everything. Yeah Che was especially on tenterhooks about what Feng Jiaan really thought about him.

She had made it clear that she also needed time to think. However, the ambiguity was enough to let him not concentrate on anything. If he could get one concrete hint, then he could relax a bit.

"Bahaha, Mr. Yang, I didn't know you are this petty," Mo Yifan, who had drunk a bit already, was mocking Yang Che, as if they were long time buddies. He was all over the smaller round table in the big room, pointing fingers at Yang Che like a friend.