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"Oh, you are awake?" Mo Yifan entered the room and saw Chen Waan, who was still in the bed, in a daze, staring in space. He came near her and touched her forehead to check for her temperature.

"Huh? Yeah…," Chen Waan got suddenly flustered. It was one thing that he knew her condition during these days. But why would he carry her with blood that must have ruined his clothes too? How was she to face him now?

"Why? Your face is still red. But your fever went down earlier? Is it rising again?" he put his other hand on his own forehead for comparison. She had already been given the medicine a few hours earlier, so she should not be getting the fever again.

"Hey, about your clothes, I am sorry. I will clean them myself, okay? Do not touch them at all," Chen Waan said shyly, her face was getting redder by the second.