Kidnapped - III

Chen Waan just glared at him with a killing intent. What was she supposed to do? Spill beans?

Ma Xiumin found her behavior quite odd. She was so confident just now, telling him his doom was coming and all. Suddenly, why was she behaving timid, as if she wanted to throw him off. He backed a bit with a frown on his face and whispered to his goon, "Put two guys to check the perimeter around and prepare to leave from here. It seems she is stalling for time with such weird antics. We might be in trouble."

The goon under him laughed, "Big brother, we have already checked her thoroughly. We also made sure no one followed us. The other girl, we even injected her with an anesthetic drug. We are good. If you want, you can have your fun here too."

Ma Xiumin rubbed his temples. Why were all these people under him so stupid? Why would he want to have his fun here, in a truck? Idiots! Plus, his intuition was rebelling and telling him to leave here.