
Mo Yifan went into shock for a few seconds which was apparent on his face. Despite his great acting skills, he felt betrayed as soon as he heard "Mr. Wang." This was China and there 'Wang' was a common surname. He had no idea why at that moment, Wang Zenghao's name had suddenly popped up in his mind even though he knew him being behind all this was actually next to impossible.

He irritatingly rubbed the bridge of his nose. This guy was just trying to get into his head. But if it was true, who was this Mr. Wang? Someone they knew? Unfortunately, the seeds of suspicion had been sown.

"I-I have told you what I knew. Now please let me go," Ma Xiumin brought Mo Yifan back to present with his desperate calls. He just wanted to leave from here. He could tell there was some kind of danger lurking behind.