Got Back Up

"Why did you start practicing already?" The next day in the evening, Mo Yifan found Chen Waan dancing again in the training room. He had gone upstairs with a cup of warm tea for her but she was not in her room. He knew she would be toiling herself already.

Chen Waan glanced at him and the tea he had in his hands. She almost had an urge to laugh. This guy, he was too warm versus how he was outside. She had not asked him yet what became of Ma Xiumin. From what she recalled when Mo Yifan had come for her, she had seen his eyes. It would probably be better to not bring up the topic.

Anyway, she was sweating profusely after two hours of practice but she also felt refreshed. She did not have any physical injuries so it was actually tiring just resting in the bed. And this also took off those gruesome moments out of her mind. She also wanted to do better for herself and Mo Yifan's sake.

"Did you read the news?" she counterquestioned rather than answering his question.