Turned Up Dead - III

"Tsk, tsk. This Mr. Chu has been in business for so long but his greed really does not know any bounds," the higher ups of the station who were watching the news show were sweating a bucketful. Their lawyers were sitting right there as well as WhirlWind's. The WhirlWind's team had barged in here as soon as the lady on the show had started deviating from the script. It was as if these guys were just standing outside their office just in case.

Taoqi Yixing was now sitting cross legged in the lavish office without any expression on his face, watching the drama unfold. He really did not like doing all these menial tasks. He was far too busy for these. And yet, WhirlWind being his biggest client, how could he refuse the request of the 'young master' of the company?