Counted Down To D-Day III

"Miyu, I know you want the best for me. But I would like my debut to be as scandal free as possible," Chen Waan finally turned her head and looked at her manager. It seemed as if Miyu had some really wild going on through her mind right now. And Chen Waan was aware how much manipulation worked in this industry. She did not want to get into all that sort of stuff just yet. She did not want the start of her career be laced with such things.

"What do you take me for? I would not use any unfair means. But I do have plans for promoting you so vigorously that you will be everywhere, so much that people would not have any choice but to look at you," Miyu stood up from her chair which she was sitting on since the beginning in the training room and spread her arms wide, raising her chin up in the air. She was just so full of ambition for Chen Waan that the rookie herself had no idea.