Had To Change Her Image

Having gotten a nod from the leader, Du Qinrou was elated inside. There were so many things whirling in her mind right now. Who was she supposed to use? They had already used her affair with Mo Yifan hundreds of times. Every time, they would not confirm anything nor deny anything. It was hard to use that scandal.

Then how about using another guy? There were two more males in that wench's circle. Bai Yiming was always stuck to the other witch but Huang David could be used, right? Nah, it was just too cliché to use affairs as scandals. It would have been more outrageous if the relationship between Mo Yifan and Chen Waan had already been established and then Huang David had come into picture. But right now was not the right time to use that card.

Then, what could be a better strategy? Confirming that Ma Xiumin really kidnapped one of the artists in the company and that it was her? She would need solid proof for that which she did not have.